trusting him

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mentions of abuse, language, suicide, and etc.

Autumn gasped as she opened her eyes, she had just suffered a flashback to her dad dying, and she couldn't stop shaking. Taylor felt the girl's hand grab onto the top of her shirt tightly so she bent down, sitting on the bed next to her mom.

"Mom, don't let them kill me, please!" Autumn cried to Taylor.

"I won't, baby, I'll protect you with my life," Taylor said.

Autumn fell asleep again, and Taylor let out a long breath. As soon as the girl fell asleep, the doctor came in and attached the pipe into her arm. He said it would be fine for her to be asleep as long as she doesn't move as much. As soon as he left, Taylor started to smile.

"She called me mom, mom, did you hear that!" Taylor whispered.

"I did, baby," Andrea said, happy at her daughter's excitement.

Austin quietly got out the bag of food Andrea had packed for them to eat. They all ate in a comfortable silence while watching the girl, making sure she was okay. Around nine pm the doctor came back in to inform them that only two visitors could stay overnight. Taylor informs him that they'll proceed with the surgery and he said he'll be back the next morning to talk more about it and the surgery will be done tomorrow. After a couple minutes of discussing who should stay, Taylor and Travis stay back while the others go home, ready to come back in the morning.

Autumn woke up in the middle of the night, trembling with fear in the pitch black room. The nightmare replayed in her mind, it felt so real. She got off the bed that her and Taylor were sleeping on, pacing back and forth in the room, not realizing that Travis was there. He had gone out to get a glass of water and when he came back, he saw the girl quivering and pacing the room. He turned on the flashlight on his phone, startling the girl. Autumn started to panic as she realized that Travis saw her like that.

"Hey, it's okay. I know it's scary but you're gonna be okay," Travis whispered, sensing her emotion.

After half-an-hour of Travis comforting Autumn, she trusted him enough to sit next to him on the couch. Without thinking, she laid her head on his shoulder, about to pull it back as she noticed what she had done. She felt really comfortable and the man didn't seem to mind, so she rested her head on his shoulder. As she started leaning all her weight onto his shoulder, she could feel herself drifting off.

"You can sleep, it was just a nightmare, I'll protect you and so will Taylor, see, look at my muscle," Taylor said, flexing to the girl.

Autumn let out a small laugh before completely laying down on the couch, her head on Travis' lap. Travis smiled at the progress he made with the girl. He loved Taylor so much and anyone Taylor cared about, he did too. Taylor saw her as a daughter and now he did too, he just wanted the girl to be safe and he'd do anything for that, just like Taylor would too.

Around eight am, Taylor woke up to see Travis asleep on the floor and Autumn asleep on the couch. Taylor smiled as she carried Autumn to the bed, careful not to wake her up. Taylor gently shook her boyfriend, waking him up. He softly groaned as he opened his eyes, kissing his girlfriend as he stood up.

"My back, ugh," he whispered, stretching.

"Sleep on the couch, baby," Taylor said, Travis laid down on the couch, still extremely tired.

"Sleep with me," Travis asked.

"Travis! Not here! Are you crazy!" Taylor said.

"Not like that, like this," he said, grabbing her waist and pulling her into him.

He wrapped his arms around the girl who was basically sleeping on top of him because of the limited space. Taylor chuckled before kissing him, running her fingers through his beard.

"Night, baby girl," Travis said.

"Night, Trav," Taylor responded. 

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