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mentions of abuse, language, and etc.

Autumn woke up to scratching noises coming from the door. She groggily opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She was confused about where she was before everything from the night before came back to her. As she got up, she noticed that she was in Eras Tour merch while her dress was neatly folded and put on the nightstand. She opened the door and a small cat rushed in, circling around her. Another one joined and both cats wouldn't let her take a step. She carefully picked up both of them, who did nothing to try to escape her arms. She peered through the door to see Taylor walking out, calling for her cats.

"Sorry Taylor, they scratched the door and they came in," Autumn said, handing both of the cats to Taylor.

"It's not your fault, buddy, do you want to eat something?" she asked, setting the cats down.

"I'm okay and thank you Taylor, my mom was just emotional yesterday, I can go back," Autumn politely said.

"I'm not stupid, Autumn. I'm not letting you go back there," Taylor said firmly.

"Taylor, I'm fine," Autumn tried to argue.

Before it turned into an argument, Taylor changed the subject, "My mom made some pancakes and bacon, let's go eat."

Autumn never ate breakfast because her mom said she shouldn't be greedy and eat too much. So naturally, Autumn was very surprised when she saw everyone into stacks of pancakes and plates of bacon.

"What's wrong?" Austin asks, after seeing Autumn not touch the food.

"I'm not very hungry," Autumn said, her stomach rumbling right after.

"You are hungry, eat, mom made you some," Austin responds.

"I can't," Autumn softly mutters.

"Why not," Andrea asked, concerned.

"My mom said I can't eat breakfast. She said I'll get fat and I shouldn't be greedy,"

"Oh, honey, that is far from the truth," Andrea said, holding Autumn's hand.

"She's just selfish, love, but you have to eat to live and be healthy. Just try to eat one pancake," Taylor coax.

As Autumn looked at the pancake, she felt guilt and fear invade her mind. She made them cook an extra pancake and on top of that she couldn't get herself to eat it. Taylor was easily able to tell what was going on in the girl's head. After some reassuring words from Taylor, Autumn slowly started eating, trying not to let the guilt get to her.

As Autumn eats, Taylor and Andrea walk into another room to call Tree. Andrea had noticed scars on her wrists and they both realized that this was bigger and if her mom shouldn't get a hold of her, they needed to act fast. After having a serious talk with three, they realized that there was nothing they could do but a lawsuit.

"Taylor!" Austin yelled, running into the room.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Autumn left. She said she didn't want to burden you and she'll be fine. I tried to stop her but she left!" Austin said, causing him and the two women to start panicking.

"Hey, hey, I'll think of something, Taylor. I'll call you in a couple hours, just try to stay calm,," Tree reassures.

Taylor felt fear and sadness rise up in her chest and she slid against the wall. She tucked her legs into her chest as she rocked back and forth. Andrea sat down next to her and so did Austin and Scott.

"I feel helpless, mom," Taylor cries.

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