disaster after disaster

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A/n: Not to leave y'all with cliffhangers... you're welcome

mentions of abuse, language, suicide, and etc.

Autumn stood there in shock as she saw her mom hung to the ceiling with a rope tied to her neck. She stood there in fear, sadness, and confusion. She immediately dialed 911 and explained her situation as she spiraled into a panic attack. She crawled into a corner and rocked herself back and forth until she heard the door bust down. Before she could act, she saw police officers bursting through the door, gasping at the scene. One of the female officers went over and sat by her.

"I'm Jane, honey, is there anyone who can stay with you, anyone you trust? I know this is really hard for you," she said.

Autumn had no one but Taylor, her mom didn't let her make friends. But she didn't have Taylor's number and she barely remembered where Taylor lived, she was asleep for most of the car ride there. The only way she found her house was by putting it into Maps on her phone. She quickly went back to the app, hoping Taylor's address would be there, but it wasn't.

"I don't have anyone," Autumn sighed.

"Okay, so how about we go to the hospital and make sure you're all okay first?" Jane asked.

Autumn shyly nodded her head knowing that all the bruises on her body and hidden by her makeup would be discovered. Suddenly she found herself typing up a private message to Taylor on her official Instagram account but she couldn't get herself to stop. She knew that there was a very slim to impossible chance that Taylor would check but she wanted comfort, she wanted that comfort Taylor provided that night in the car.

"Hey Taylor, I know you'll probably never see this but it's Autumn. My mom isn't here anymore and the police showed up and they're taking me to the hospital and I'm really scared and I'm alone."

"Taylor!" Tree calls out, inviting herself into Taylor's house.

"Geez, Tree, you scared me," Taylor said, putting her hand to her chest.

"You really need to see this, your team was changing a couple things on Instagram and they know you talk about Autumn and they showed this to me," Tree said, pulling up her phone.

"Autumn? What happened!" Taylor cried out, quickly moving to Tree side.

Taylor stared at the message in her private messages in relief that she knew Autumn was alive. She took the phone from Tree, who was logged into the account, and replied to the girl.

"Which hospital, honey, I'll be there as soon as I can."

Autumn felt her phone buzz in her pants and she quickly took it out to see the notification from Instagram. She looked at Taylor's message before softly calling out for Jane.

"Jane," "Yes?" the woman asks.

"There is someone that I want to visit. Could I invite them?" she asks.

"Of course," Jane answered.

Autumn quickly replied to Taylor with the address and a thank you and to her surprise, Taylor responded within a minute reassuring Autumn that she would be there and she just started. She followed the police officer into the hospital and waited while the police officer talked to the receptionist. 

"Quick question," Jane said to Autumn, "is this person you're calling someone who you're comfortable sharing private information with?"

After a minute of contemplating, Autumn nods her head yes.

"Alright, I'm gonna let them know a couple things before they meet you, okay?" 

"Alright," Autumn replies.

"How do they look, so I can tell them apart?" Jane asks.

"She's Taylor Swift," Autumn responds.

"I'm serious, hon, jokes later, please."

"I am serious." 

"Okay, Autumn, this nice lady will take you to your room," Jane said, still not completely convinced by the girl's response.

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