The x Acceptance x Letter

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After Aki had unlocked his 'quirk', the Kobayashi's were quick to prepare him for the entrance exam. They got the go-ahead from Tsukauchi so they were free to allow him to take it but they still had one major issue. The boy couldn't read anything they were writing down. He could speak Japanese just fine but couldn't write it at all. It was as if he had never been taught the characters at all. That wasn't the only issue though. He could only understand math and science at a basic level. He could multiply and divide but that was about it. In of itself, that was strange, he could remember how to do basic math but couldn't write at all. It was all too weird.

So the two spent much of their days teaching the kid everything they could. He did blank out sometimes but was trying so they gave him a pass. When they explained to him which symbols go with what, he picked up what they were doing fast. He could write basic sentences quite easily when he gained that information and his writing only became better over time. The math and other subjects were harder for him and he took days to pick up basic concepts. He slowly got better at it though and they appreciated his effort.

They weren't only teaching him about subjects though. To get into U. A., you need more than just knowledge after all. At first, it was just refining what they already knew about his 'quirk' and how to increase his charge times and power, but quickly evolved into strategic planning on how best to utilize it, as shown with his training with Reina.

Hazuki was a ranged fighter and he wasn't as strong in close combat situations so Reina handled teaching Aki battle strategy to decrease his quirk's weaknesses. Her quirk was rather weak in terms of healing ability so she had to compensate for the rest of her abilities to suit that. As a result of her training, she became a well-rounded hero who could defend herself and help civilians in villain attacks.

"One of the main issues with your quirk is the long charge time. From what I can tell, you can't speed it up much faster than 3 seconds so we need to change something else for it to be more effective in actual combat."

Aki thought hard about what could help him improve but couldn't think of anything at the moment. Until an idea popped into his head "I have an idea. If we fight and I get a feel for what I need to do, I'll figure out how best to do it!"

She was not impressed. "That's simple but... it could work. I May be able to figure out something to help you through that."

"See?" He smiled, "Not such a bad idea after all is it?"

She shrugged her shoulders and mumbled something inaudible to herself "Let's go to the park then." He nodded his head and she turned on her heel and started walking, with him running directly behind her.

Line break!

"Alright, we're here. Get ready 'cause I won't go easy on you." He got into his fighting pose, and a wide grin coated his face.

He knew just blind charging his quirk wouldn't work so he decided to fight her head on. He threw several punches and kicks at her and she expertly blocked and dodged each one, noting that he wasn't even trying to use his quirk. She was just going to dodge but putting him into a dangerous position could help his battle prowess so she threw a hard punch.

He was surprised by her forwardness and jumped backward into a tree. He grunted by the force of it and saw her rushing towards him again so he jumped up into the tree above him. Her knuckles turned red as she hit it and she groaned.

He started jumping from tree to tree not letting her find him. 'Confusion can only do so much so let's...' he ripped off a small branch and threw it towards her and then jumped behind her and charged.

3. 2. 1. his fist stopped just short of hitting her and

she realized that she lost. 'Seriously? I wasn't taking this that seriously but I'm still a pro so how did he beat me on the first try?' She could tell just from this one practice battle that he would be fine on the practical exam. With this one battle, she gauged how he adapted to his large charging times and strategized, taking advantage of his surroundings.

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