First x Day x and x Nightmare

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Aki's first day wasn't fated to be trailed by an older brother like Killua's, but it was still a fun morning. He woke up bright and early to the smell of cooking. But it was in contrast to the yelling outside his room. His parents were arguing, although it was more of a one-sided beating. "Why would you put the eggshell in the bowl too you dumbass!" the sentence structure makes it seem like a question, but it's not. "He has to leave in like 20 minutes and now we have to remake the entire thing!" Aki peaked through his door to see what was going on. After he had thoroughly processed it with his morning brain he went out. "That's okay! You don't have to do anything grand. We can just do toast!" they peeled off each of them, and Hazuki made his toast. "You go get changed. Food will be ready when you're done." he nodded and went off.

He came back to a very apologetic Hazuki and a cheerful Reina. As he finished up his toast both his parents looked back towards him "Good luck. Hope you don't get a bad first teacher." he grabbed his backpack and headed off. Since he was located in the middle of nowhere, his parents had the choice to get him transportation and they obliged, not wanting to get up at 6 am to drive.

He walked towards his stop and soon the flashing red lights of his bus greeted him. As he boarded he noticed his new fellow students sitting among them. He recognized one from the entrance exams with the long hair. He went over to congratulate and greet her. "You passed too. Guess we'll be classmates then!" he extended a palm and she shook his hand saying "Not necessarily. We could be put into different classes." she nodded off in thought but stayed attentive towards him. "Even if we aren't in the same class, we can still be friends right?" he gave her a wide grin. "Sure. So what's your name?" He almost forgot about the introduction part "Oh it's Kobayashi Aki. Nice to meet you uh..." "Shiozaki Ibara."

The rest of the ride was filled with idle chatter about the exams and general information about themselves. It was a pleasant ride and she wrote down her number for him to text if he ever wanted to get into contact with her.

As they arrived at the school, his mouth was agape. The sign was massive and so was the entire school. The entrance to the school was through the cafeteria. He went in and was surprised about the amount of people. It was filled to the brim but he noticed people gathering around one spot. He went there and due to his being short, he couldn't see the sign. He pushed around someone and read the sign 'homeroom assignments for first years'. He waited for everyone to get done and scanned the list for his name. He got put into Class 1-B and then went on to scan the list again for Shiozaki's name. 'So she's with me huh? I guess I'll already have a friend in that class!'

He was about to have an issue with finding where his class was but his issue was resolved when he saw a neat stack of papers sitting on a table in front of the board. A map decorated the paper's covers and he grabbed it and started heading towards his class. His classroom was on the first floor and he went towards it, admiring the door as he went in. He spotted Shiozaki already sitting down at a desk and waved to her, sitting down next to her.

"We got into the same class after Miss Shiozaki!" She smiled at him as well but sternly said "if we're going to be friends, you shouldn't refer to me as 'miss', it's too formal Kobayashi." He accepted this explanation quickly but spoke up "In that case just call me Aki." Her mouth opened "it feels weird to use Kobayashi so call me Aki." Shiozaki paused for a second contemplating something before saying "This may seem rude to ask but, are you from the countryside?" He was more confused about why she thought he would be offended by that than what the question was really about. Now that he thought about it though, he didn't really know where he was from. He didn't have any memories from before the mountain after all. He decided to respond truthfully "I actually don't know if I am from the countryside."

She furrowed her brows, asking "What do you mean you don't know if you are?" As his mouth opened and he was about to respond, another person entered the room. A boy definitely older than him, with silvery white hair and jet-black skin. Aki's interest was thoroughly peaked and he all but forgot about her question. He went up to greet the boy. "Hello! I'm Kobayashi Aki. Nice to meet you!" His gesture wasn't reciprocated though. The other boy didn't respond and just nodded towards him, taking a seat in the back. 'I guess he isn't very talkative. Kind of reminds me of—'The door swung open and he went to greet the new person.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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