5: Curse the English Government

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Draco's shower was amazing.

Hot, but not too hot. Steam filled his entire bathroom and clogging the mirror's reflection.

He lathered his Sandalwood scented soap all over his body, lathered his shampoo all over his pale locks.

He inhaled the burning lavender oil filling the bathroom, and smiled.


He rinsed everything off, grabbed fresh warm towels and dried himself before wrapping it around his waist. He walked towards the sink and started applying his face creams.

Beauty needed to be maintained too, you know.

He let the cool cream sinked into his skin, before patting it with his hands. It was a routine.

Suddenly, his face in the mirror morphed into none other than Ginny fucking Weasley. Her eyes were half lidded and she could barely form a sentence.

"Malfoy, yer need too—"

He rolled his eyes before wipping the mirror with his hand, and his face went back to the mirror.

Not the woman he had wanted to drunk-called him.

He let out a breath as he closed his eyes, mentally reseting his zen.

When he opened his eyes, Parkinson was glaring at him.


With a wave of his hand, she disappeared.

It wasn't their first time to drunk-called him. One time, they reached him saying that there was a circumstance out of their control. When he reached Grimmauld Place, they needed help to make ice.

When he asked, 'why didn't you use magic?'

The girls responded with, 'they forgot the spell Glacius.'

He eyed them.

They eyed him back before realising that the spell to make something freeze was Glacius.

And that was the end of his trip to Grimmauld Place on their girl's night.

He summoned his glass of Whisky and took a sip before as he walked back to his room.


He mentally slapped himself when he realised that his bell rang.

What was it now? Did the girls finally taught her their ways of annoying him?

Or was she in actual trouble?

He couldn't be fucked to be yelled by his aunt.

He groaned before summoning his clothes and his shoes. He didn't have time to dry out his hair. He cursed the Task Force for this monstry.

When he Apparated to where the other bell, it brought him to fucking Muggle London.

He eyed his surroundings and his eyes caught a sight of a completely trashed, unroyal, sleeping Princess of Balemont herself.

Bloody hell.

She was laying on a bench, alone.

He got on one knee and poked the Princess.

Draco Malfoy in : Princess Protection ProgramWhere stories live. Discover now