6: Meet Theodore Nott

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"It's been two weeks."

Potter rested a leg on the other, eyeing the brown paper bagged lunch on Draco's desk.

"I know."

He tilted his head. "Seriously, Malfoy. You look thin. Might need to tell the Princess to add a bit more carb in there." He chuckled.

"Do not body shame me, Scarhead." Draco opened the bag and took out the lunchbox, he opened the lid and noticed that Catherine had casted a warming charm on it.

Today's menu consisted a of: pasta.

That was it. Just pasta.

Potter brought a fist to his mouth, supressing his laughter. "At least it's not a bloody hard boiled potato."


Draco came down to Grimmauld Place their magic session. It came to his relief that the Princess was already dressed in her training gear.

"Good afternoon, Catherine."

She turned around. "Oh hello, Mr. Malfoy."

Mr. Malfoy, he still wasn't accustomed to that yet.

The Princess had learned few jinxes, and the Protego spell. Weasley had told him that she'd teach the Princess basic everyday spells too.

He conjured a selection of weapons, she eyed him in confusion. She strode towards the table full of weapons that would break her in half and was in awe.

"Choose your weapon, Your Highness." said Draco. "I'm going to show you how important it is to have a good defense— OW!"

Draco opened his eyes and saw a cut on his bicep, a scarlet colour started to drop. He brought his eyes to Catherine and saw she was holding a bow.

She was an archer.

Oh this would be fun.

She smirked. "You were saying?"

A smirk tugged on his own lips. "Very well, Princess". He conjured a 5 dummies with a red 'x' between the eyes. "Give me five bullseye."

She summoned and levitated arrows on her side before shooting them one by one, all landed perfectly on the mark.

"Very good, but you must know shooting wooden sticks wouldn't get you far in this world."

"Of course." she said. She shot an arrow on his robes and it pinned the fabric to the tree bark. She shot two more near his leg and a part of his robe where his neck and shoulder met. He was trapped as his robe was pinned. "Now.." she summoned her wand and the tip of it lit in red, pointing at his chest. "What would you do in this situation, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco was spellbounded.

Her wand shot a hex near his leg, one of the dummies was on fire.

He brought his eyes to her again, her wand retracked its steps back to his chest.

"You wouldn't want to know, Your Highness." he smirked. Oh this is fun. Every part of his body tinggled, especially his.. Anyways.

She challenged him by raising a brow, smirking back. He moved in swift moves and had the Princess in his grip, her head met with his chest, he had his arm in front of her neck.

"I could easily break your neck here."

Feeling thriumph, there was no way she would get away from his tight grip. But oh boy was he wrong.

Sudden pain electrocuted his body when the Catherine turned around and kicked him in the groin.

Oh Merlin, that felt personal.

Draco Malfoy in : Princess Protection ProgramWhere stories live. Discover now