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I walk through the dining hall doors to see 3 out of the four boys there, eating breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. I walk over to them and immediately all of their eyes look towards me.

"Hey Lou, where is Harry?" Liam asked me as he shoved a spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth. "He had an overnight last night, but he should be here soon. How are the rest of you feeling? I need to do your daily temperatures."

Everyone nodded as I started making my way around the table to take each of their temperatures and wrote them down in the medical binder. It was crucial that we make sure the boys are healthy for the clients, otherwise they won't be able to work until they're better.

I no sooner get all of their temperatures recorded and Harry comes stumbling into the room. He has bags under his eyes and his words are slurred. I rush over to help him as he is about to fall and lead him to the table. I sat down beside him and let him lean his head on my chest.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked him as I kissed his forehead. He tried to speak but couldn't as he was so exhausted. "Are you hungry? Zayn will you please go get him some oatmeal?" I asked. He stood up and made his way to the counter to grab another bowl and spoon for Harry.

He grabbed onto me tightly, with his eyes shut and shook his head. "n-no." was all that he managed to say. "Come on love, you need to eat to get your strength up." I replied as I took a spoonful and put it to his lips. "Also, if you don't eat, you will get a punishment. I don't want you to get hurt love."

For the past 3 years, Harry has only ever gotten punished twice. One for throwing up his food due to being sick and the second, he didn't meet one client's needs due to sickness as well. It was after that incident that I got Nick to let them rest if they were sick.

Harry opened his mouth a bit and I put the spoon in, feeding him slowly. I ran my hand up and down his back as I encouraged him to keep going. "Good job love, just a few more bites." All he did was nod as his eyes remained shut.

"L-Lou" Harry said as he gagged. "No, Harry you can't throw up here love. You need to wait until we're dismissed." I said patting his back. Poor Harry was exhausted, and I could tell he was pushed over his limit today.

"Shit, Harry, I need you to sit up, Nick is on his way in. Zayn come support him please." I said and Zayn quickly got up, moving to where I was. I finished the last bite of food for Harry so he wouldn't get in trouble and stood up, resting Harry's head on Zayn's shoulder.

"Morning whores." Nick said as he entered the room. I hated that he called them that. I gritted my teeth as I handed him the clipboard. "Great, you all are doing well and are very healthy. So, assignments. Tonight, will be Zayn, Liam and hmm Harry." I looked at Harry and noticed the colour drain from his face.

"I don't- Nick Harry isn't well. look at him-" I butted in. He turned to face me. The sheet says his temperature is normal. If it's normal, he's to work. That is the rule if you want to continue being lovers capeesh?" and if right on cue, Harry throws up his oatmeal everywhere. I look at Nick and he is angry, making his way towards him.

I run past him and hold Haz in my arms so Nick can't hurt him. "I got him Nick don't worry." I say, placing my hand on his forehead. "God H, you're burning up."

I look over to see an annoyed look on Nicks face as I place a cool cloth on Harry's forehead.

"Very well, if Harry can't work, Niall you will. Louis, you will stay here with Harry and attend to his needs while he gets better. For now, Harry go to the infirmary with Louis and the boys go rest up for tonight."

"Yes sir." The boys all say before he leaves. "Okay boys, you heard him. Go and don't make me regret leaving you guys alone." I warn before I help Harry stand up and lean him against my side as I walk to down the hallway to the informatory. I lead him to the bed and the nurse comes over to look at him.

"Haz, what happened to you last night?" I asked, holding his hand. He opened his eyes to look at me before speaking. "T-they used a bottle." He replied. "A bottle? Like a beer bottle?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh Love, they shouldn't have done that, it's in the rules. We have a list of appropriate toys and banned objects. glass bottles being one. I will talk with Nick. Did you sleep at all?" I asked as the nurse continues her examination.

He shook his head, and I ran my hands through his curly brown hair. "Maybe you should sleep in my room tonight so I can look after you-" I started to say but he cut me off. "Nick won't allow it. I'll be fine l-Lou." He said rubbing my cheek.

Once his examination was over, I took him back to the room with the other boys. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with me, at least until your better?" I asked him again as we stopped outside the bedroom where the other boys were.

He held my hands and kissed me softly for a few minutes. "I'm sure Love. I will call you if I need anything, okay?" I kissed him back and smiled. "Alright. I'm right across the hall." I said kissing the top of his head as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. The room door is locked from the outside so once they are in, they can't get out unless someone opens the door.

I stood there for a few moments, listening to silence. It wasn't until I could hear little snores that I walked away from the room and turned into my room, sitting down at my desk and taking out my notebook. I kept track of how many times Harry got hurt, sick and even beaten by the clients and who the client was so we could ban them from coming back.

If these men pay money to fuck our boys, it comes with rules. A very important rule being to only use objects listed in the 'acceptable' column. After I write down what I need to, I look up to see a picture of Harry hanging above my desk. He was smiling, his emerald green eyes sparkling in the daylight. It was the first picture I took of him when we were allowed to be together and go on dates 3 times a month.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a high pitch scream. I knew exactly who it was to. I jumped up and made my way over to the boy's room. "What happened?" I asked as I ran over to Harry who was sweating and crying. "I don't know- he all of a sudden started screaming in his sleep." Liam said rubbing his eyes.

I picked up the still sleeping boy and carried him out of the room, into my room. I placed him on the bed and rubbed his back. Harry had frequent nightmares. Ever since the first time he slept with a client. Something important to know about Harry is that he was a virgin when he was brought here. Nick didn't know it at the time until he told us. Nick couldn't just let him go though. He was beautiful, and according to Nick, would bring in lots of money.

I offered to take his virginity from him before he was sent out to the clients. I remember that night clear as day, we were here on my bed, he was so nervous, but I assured him that everything would be alright and I wouldn't hurt him. He cried from the pain it caused him, but I made sure to go easy until he was ready.

Little sniffles brought me back from my thoughts. I looked down at him who had calmed down and laid down beside him, wrapping him in a hug. "Don't worry Haz. I will get us out of here." I whispered before I kissed his head and watched as he slept.

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