~ F I F T E E N~

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The next few days Harry has come down with a sickness that didn't seem to want to leave. He had a very high temperature of 102.0F and it didn't get any lower.  he only slept the past few days which were disrupted by nightmares unfortunately. By the time day 3 came around I didn't want to chance it and I took him to the emergency room.

Since he was pregnant, we were taken in right away to be seen in the maternity ward. Harry was still asleep soundly as the nurses came in to check on the baby. "The baby is perfectly fine Mr. Tomlinson." She said. "Please, its Louis." I corrected her.

"What about his fever and him not eating or moving the past few days. He has chronic nightmares that wake him up, but other then that, he wont stay up long enough for even a conversation." I asked worryingly as I looked at him. "That's just his body trying to fight off whatever is happening. We are going to run a few tests and that should give us an answer. As for now we will give him an IV to lover his body temperature for now." She said writing things down before leaving.

I take out my phone and texts Anne and telling her they are doing tests on him as they come in and take blood from him. When they were finished I climb into the bed beside him and hold him close because I know he is going to have a nightmare soon. It was about 10 minutes later when Harry started screaming and I held tightly on to him, letting him know he was safe and okay.

The doctors heard and rushed in asking me what happened. "He just suffers from nightmares. He's been through a lot." I replied looking at him who was trying to calm down. "A lot as in what Louis?" She asked me as she gave him muscle relaxers. "He was forced into the sex business 3 years ago and I just got him free." I said.

They all stopped and looked at him. "This changed everything. We have to do an internal exam as well. Did anything unordinary happen with him there? Like a time a client didn't follow the rules? maybe didn't lube up or used a toy that wasn't sanitized properly?" The one nurse asked as she tuned Harry onto his stomach so they could do a rectal exam.

"It's been years- I only started being in the room with him a few months ago." I said thinking hard. They put a small camera up his anal and looked on a screen. "There's scaring that is infected." The male nurse said. Then something clicked. "Wait- there was one night a client shoved a bottle into him before he left. He shoved it pretty deep to. Could that have been it?" I asked.

"It definitely could have been. We will start him on antibiotics now and should be good to go either tonight or tomorrow." He said taking the camera out and laying him down again. "Thank you doctor." I said as they all left, and I was alone with Harry again.

"This is all my fault- If this happened to Harry, who knows what's happening to the other boys. I have to get them out of there pronto." I said taking my phone and calling Anne to come stay with him while I took care of business back in the UK. As soon as Anne arrived, I gave Harry a kiss and left in a hurry to the airport to get on a flight.

. . . . . . . .

I landed in Manchester 5 hours later and I didn't even have a plan on how I was going to help these boys. I guess first thing I have to do is get to London. I took my bag I had brought with me and waited out front for a Uber.

I know it was shitty to leave Harry in this state, but it was eating away at my conscious that the rest of the boys where still there and nothing was being done to help them get home. I felt a tear drop on my cheek and I quickly wiped it away as the uber pulled up.

I stood up and got in and told him where I wanted to go. I saw him smirk and that's when I realized who was driving the uber. Dean. He pulled off and started talking to me. "So how is the twinky whore doing?" He asked me. I balled my hands into fists, trying to keep my cool as he turned onto a back road.

He stopped and turned back to face me; a smirk plastered to his stupid looking face. "mhm, and what are you doing here Louis?" I just looked at him and cocked a brow. "Why is me coming back to my home country a problem for you?" I asked. He didn't say anything except took out a gun and pointed it at my head as he motioned me to get out of the car.

"What are you going to do Dean? Kill me? Go ahead." I said as I stood there, unfazed with him, and actually kind of annoyed. "You don't deserve to be with him Louis. I was supposed to be the one he ended up with! We were supposed to get married and have kids together." He said angrily.

I smirked as I knew exactly how to make him even more mad so I could get out of here. "Yeah, well guess what, he's having my child and one day I will marry him. He doesn't love you anymore Dean. You need to move on and let him go. He's pregnant Dean! He's going to have my child!" He got even more mad and clicked the safety off of the gun as he continued to point it at my head. "We are going to get married and live happy together while you are here alone." I said.

I saw his face turn red anger and I waited until he was in one of his anger fits before quickly holding on to his arm and trying to get the gun out of his grip. "HE DOESNT LOVE YOU LOUIS, HE LOVES ME!" he screamed as he tried to fight back.

I kicked the back of his leg which made him fall to the ground, letting the gun go. I sat on top of him and pinned his arms down. "If he loves you so much, tell me why every time I get a new tattoo, he always has to get one to match, or how I was the only one he trusted to take his virginity away! or WHY HE IS KEEPING THE BABY I IMPREGNATED HIM WITH! YOU FOOKING LOUSAH HE DOES NOT NOR WILL HE EVER FOOKING LOVE YOU!" I screamed into his face.

I got up once I thought he had calmed down, but he reached over and grabbed the gun again, shooting it towards me. I dodged it and ran to him, once again trying to get it from his grip.

We struggled for a few minuets before I finally got it and pointed it right at him. "Leave me and Harry alone Dean. I don't want to do this, but I fooking will if I have to." I warned. He got really red with anger, and he started charging at me. I quickly pulled the trigger and a loud roar echoed through the empty field. I closed my eyes and covered my ears until the ringing was done and opened them again.

I looked down and laying right in front of me was Dean. The bullet had gone through his brain, killing him instantly. "That's what you get asshole." I said as I stepped over him to the car. I got into the car and started driving away towards London to finish what I came here for. About 2 hours later I arrived in central London and ditched the car as I put my hat and shades on as I sat back and watched what was about to happen.

There were 4 SWAT cards that pulled up to the brothel and the SWAT team broke down the door, heading in. I waited a few minutes before they brought out Jeff and Nick. They looked over and saw me, giving me evil eyes. I stood there with a little smirk as I crossed my arms, and they were put into the police car.

A few moments later, they brought the 4 other boys out. I wanted nothing more then to go hug each and every single one of them and tell them they're safe now. But i knew that i couldn't. I watched as they were reunited with their families and cried in happiness. I am so glad I got them free before something bad happened to them. Liam looked at me and smiled as he hugged his mum. He told Niall and Zayn and they all smiled at me too and mouthing a thank you.

I watched them all walk off with their parents and I stood there with my head lowered crying in relief for a while until I had to head back to the airport for my flight back to Harry. My home.

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