~ F O U R ~

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"Do you really have to be here?" The middle-aged man asked as I sat down on the chair in the corner of the room. He started stripping his clothes while Harry stood there and watched, not moving. "Don't worry, you won't even notice I'm here yeah?" I said through a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Harry. "Hey whore, strip. Now." He ordered, a bit too harshly. I looked at Harry who's breathing had picked up slightly as he started stripping for this disgusting man. "Faster slut we only have an hour." He hissed.

"S-sorry sir" Harry said as he quickly removed the rest of his clothes. He stood there, watching as the man eyes his body up and down. "You got a very sexy body." He said as he walked closer to Harry, his hands running slowly up and down his chest as he kissed the crease of his neck. Harry looked over at me as his breathing became short and fast. I looked back with sad eyes, knowing I couldn't do anything to help him and It pained me. He put his hands on Harrys shoulders and pushed him down onto his knees.

"Open wide and suck me good" he ordered, and Harry did what he was told. I sat there, my hands curled into fists, wanting to choke and murder this guy for not only calling him names, but for touching my Harry. My delicate, scared Harry. I could hear Harry choke on the man's cock as he forced it down deeper into his throat.

It only lasted a few minutes before he pulled out of Harry's mouth, picked him up by his hair and threw him onto the bed. Harry looked over at me with pain in his eyes as the man slowly put his cock into Harry's tight pink hole. He didn't give Harry time to adjust before he started fucking him fast and hard.

Harry screamed and the man slapped him across the face with all the force he had before putting his hand over Harry's mouth to keep him quiet. Harry kept looking over at me, tears eventually filling his eyes as he cried. "Stop crying you filthy whore" the man roared as he wrapped his hand tightly around Harry's throat and went harder and deeper into him. All that filled the room was the muffling of Harry's cries and their skin slapping against each other.

The man pulled out and pumped himself hard and fast, taking the condom off and releasing his cum all over Harry's innocent face and body. The man got up, got dressed and threw the money at Harry before leaving. I quickly ran over to him, pulling him into a hug and he sobbed harshly into my chest.

"I know love. I know." I cooed as I rubbed his back. I picked him up and carried him into the hotel bathroom so I could wash him and get him nice and clean before we left. I placed him in the tub, and he hugged his knees continuing to cry. We didn't talk as I washed his body and hair clean, instead his cried turned into sniffles.

When he was all clean, I dried him off before helping him get dressed again. It was 4:06am and I could tell he was exhausted. He had 3 clients today, all of which didn't go easy on him. I wrapped my arm around his waist to hoist him up and walked him to the chair. I collected the money and my notebook before hoisting him up again, helping him walk back down to the van to wait for the others.

The other lads only had one client a day, maybe 2 depending on if they were wanted. The other boys were not as popular as Harry and I think that has to do with his age. These sick men in their 30s, 40s and 50s all want little boys to fuck and since Harry was the youngest here, he was the one they all demanded most of the time.

I placed Harry into the van and climbed into the driver's seat, pulling him close to me. "You're not a whore Harry. Don't listen to these sick men." I whispered as I ran my hands through his curls. He didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and nodded.

The other boys came out a while later and that's when I noticed Harry was sound asleep on my lap. I left him there as I drove back to the brothel. When we got back the 3 other boys went right to their room while I carried Harry.

I walked to the boy's bedroom and placed him down on his bed. Harry wasn't allowed to be with me all the time and I absolutely hated it. I never slept when he wasn't beside me. The only reason being because I wanted to be awake for when he woke up screaming in the middle of the night. I kissed his head before I made my out of the room, slowly walking over to mine.

I laid down in my bed, staring at the ceiling as the hours slowly ticked on. It was just past 8 o'clock when I heard Harry scream from his room. I jumped out of bed and ran into the room, over to his side and hugged him close.

I hushed him as I picked him up. He held onto the teddy that I got him as he wrapped his legs around my hips. I carried him into my room and laid down with him on the bed, trailing my fingers softly up and down his back to calm him down.

He fell back asleep, and I laid with him until the warning bell for breakfast went off. I didn't want to wake him, he looked so peaceful, and I knew he was exhausted. But he had to eat, it was part of the rules.

I gently shook him awake. His eyes were so red from lack of sleep, it looked like he was high on meth. He looked at me and I knew right there, it was going to be a rough morning.


I helped him walk into the dining area and to his spot. The other boys were there already, sitting and eating. "Zayn would you mind helping me with him until I'm done temps?" I asked him. He nodded as he helped me put Harry down, leaning his head on Zayn's chest. I walked over to get Harry's breakfast and placed it Infront of him before starting the temps.

"Excellent, still all healthy." I say finishing up my notes. Now was time I delivered the bed news. "Listen up. There is a multi- millionaire party happening tonight downtown in a discrete location. There are no assignments but you all will be working at this party. Getting with as many men as you can. Are we clear?" I asked.

"Yes sir." They replied except for Harry who looked like he had passed out. I nodded before I left the room to give the sheets to Jeff. When I came back, Harry was on the floor unconscious and Zayn sat there, smirking at me.

"What the hell happened Zayn?!" I asked as I went over to inspect Harry for any injuries. "He fell." was all he said. "You know if Harry gets hurt and can't work, your ass will be on the line right? I don't care what you think of me or Harry for that matter. I'm trying to protect you guys." I whisper yelled at him.

"Yeah, well I don't need your help." He snapped back as he stood up, walking out of the room just as the bell rang. I am not sure what has gotten into Zayn lately, but I was going to find out.

After the boys were dismissed from breakfast, they went to rest for tonight's activities. I picked him up bridal style and took Harry to my room. I was extremely worried about him working tonight in this state, with all these men there wanting one thing. Harry. I was close to asking Jeff to let him sit this one out, but I knew what his answer would be. It was a multi-millionaire party, with lots of people and lots of money. Harry was also the favorite and the one who made the most profit out of all the boys. At least he will have the night off tomorrow because he will have made the most money tonight out of all of them. It was kind of like a reward, but was it really a reward if it came with cuts and bruises? I shook my thoughts away and sighed before I climbed in beside him and held him close to me all day, until it was time for him to get up and get ready.

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