~ T H R E E~

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I gently pulled Harry down the hall and into my bedroom before wrapping him in a tight hug. I wiped his tears and held his cheeks as I looked at him. "Haz? baby, what's the matter? I'm not going to let them hurt you anymore." I said softly, rubbing my thumbs over his rosy cheeks. Tears continued down his face as he tried to speak.

"I-I don't w-want you s-seeing w-what they d-do to m-me." He stuttered, covering his face with his hands. "I know love, but after what happened last night, you need someone to watch after you so that nothing like that ever happens again. I won't let them do that to you love, you don't deserve to be treat that way."

I picked him up and carried him over to the bed, laying him down gently and getting in beside him. I dropped the conversation and moved on to our date tonight. "So, are you excited for our date tonight?" I asked as I ran my fingertips up and down his arm gently. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course I am Lou-" He was interrupted by a loud bang which scared Harry and he hid himself under the covers. I quickly got up and ran out of the room, shutting my door behind me. The bang came from the boy's room and I ran in. "What is going on in here?" I asked, trying to keep my anger under control. I ran in to see Zayn, holding Niall by the shirt and his fist pulled back like he was going to punch him.

Niall already had a bruised eye, blood coming out of his nose and a fat lip. I walked over to Zayn and made him let go. "I said. What is going on here Malik." I growled and I handed Niall over to Liam. "Go. clean him up while I deal with him." I ordered and both boys left immediately.

"Zayn. I'm not asking again. Do I need to bring Nick down here and he will make you tell me?" He glared at me. "All I said was that Harry is a twink." he replied smirking at me. I punched him right square in the nose, making him fall backwards and land on the ground. "Don't ever talk about Harry like that or I will make sure you are placed with special clients. Are we fucking clear?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes sir." he mumbled as he took his shirt and used it to make sure the blood didn't make a mess. I crossed my arms and left, walking straight back to my room where I found Harry sitting in the corner of the room, knees to his chest and rocking back and forth.

I ran over to him and hugged him. "Its okay love. It was just Zayn being a douche. You are safe. shhhh" I whispered as I pulled him into my chest for comfort and security. When he finally calmed down about an hour later, I looked at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I have something for you." I mumbled against his lips. He pulled back and looked at me confused. "w-what is it?" he asked, his voice shaking. I got up off the bed and walked over to my desk, opening the top drawer and pulled out a small box along with a medium size bag from under it.

"Two things actually. Here, open this one first." I said, handing him the small box. He sat up and crossed his legs as he held it in his hands. He opened it slowly and gasped when he saw what was in it. It was a silver paper airplane necklace. "Lou, baby i love it." He said as he took it out. I took it from and put it on for him.

"I got you this so that I am always with you. No matter what happens, I will be with you through this necklace." I said putting my forehead to his, placing a small kiss to his cherry red lips.

A few hours later we were getting ready for our date while the boys got ready to work. The boys hated Harry whenever he got out of doing his services to go on a date with me. Harry has been here the longest out of all of them and therefore he deserves these breaks to be with his boyfriend.

The boys also hate the age difference between us. They say things like I'm just like the other men who pay to have sex with Harry, except I get mine for free. That I'm only using him for sex, or that I don't actually love him. I do love him. I love him so much and he loves me. The feelings mutual, we've discussed it.

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