Prologue: The Knight

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away.

That's how every fairytale starts doesn't it?

The ones my mother would tell me and Maria before we went to bed...
The knight always rescues the princess or becomes king.

It's one of the reasons I wanted to be a knight.
To find a princess to fall in love with and live happily ever after.

That's not how it went though.

My life crashed and burned before I rose to higher status.

It all happened on that day
The day that the tenth kingdom invaded.

We only say the nine kingdoms because the tenth is a horrible and evil place that no simple Mobian or Human would make it out alive.

On the day when they rose to power and attacked Camelot, was the day I had set my sights on becoming a knight.

My mother rushed me and my older sister Maria out of our cottage in a small wagon.

"Mama? What's happening?" I asked, not knowing the danger we were in until it was far too late.

"The tenth kingdom has attacked and we are fleeing Camelot." My mother said.

"Where will we go Mama?" Asked Maria.

"I don't know child." She said, sounded defeated.

Then horses with men in armor started towards our home.

"They're here! We must go!" Said my mother, whipping the reins for the horse to go.

Our wagon horse started but it was no match for the stallions our enemies were riding.

They shot an arrow and our horse went down.

The wagon crashed, and people around us fled  out of the way.
My mother crumpled into a heap as she was flung of the horse.

"Mother!" I screamed, as Maria grabbed my hand.
"Lancelot! We need to go!" Cried Maria, as we started to run.
The men chased after us, and the crowd of people we were running with.
Then they cornered our group and Maria stood in front of me protectively.

"Leave us alone!" She screamed.

Then the moment I would remember for the rest of my life happened.
A sword.
Right through Maria's chest.
She gasped and then dropped to the ground.

"MARIAAAA!!" I screamed, holding my sister as the light slowly left her eyes.
" brother....I'm sorry..." Then she went cold.

I was frozen. I could hear the men laugh.

Anger seethed through me and I pulled the sword out of Maria, and then stabbed the one who killed her.

He fell to the ground as I yanked the sword out of him. His comrades, froze then one of them swung their swords in an attempt to kill me.

Half an hour passed. And I left that alley victorious. And I just kept killing.

The rage was powerful and it didn't end until they had finally been driven out by the king's army.

The knights found me and brought me to the king.
I was praised for my actions.
The king himself eventually knighted me, I wasn't even told to become a squire.

I was then known all over.
Everyone respected me or feared me.
And I had become the knight I had dreamed to be as a boy.
Except not...
I never met my princess. I was pursued after by many women who I had considered, but no one truly wanted me. They only wanted to have my title behind them, and so my feelings never returned.

Because Fairytales don't exist.

At least that's what I believed.

"Sir Lancelot!"

I looked up to face Gawain, who was sitting with him arms folded.

"You've been leaning there with your eyes closed the entire time! Don't tell me you fell asleep!" He said.

"Of course not. I've been listening." I stated.

"So you know that the king has requested that you do the patrol in the forests today?" Asked Percival, who was calmly standing by her horse.

"Yes of course. It's a bit strange however I accept the task our king demands of me." I said.

I had not gone into the forest as much. The last time I remember when I went there was when I was meeting with the Lady of the Lake.

"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I must patrol town. Gawain you stay here." Said Percival, getting up onto her horse.

"I suppose I shall go patrol the forests now." I said, walking over to the black stallion in the stable that belonged to me.

"Do not get distracted! The forest is a dangerous-"

"Sir Gawain. I am the most trusted and powerful knight in all of Camelot. I will be fine." I hissed, getting up onto my horse.

Gawain lowered his head and huffed.
I snorted then whipped the reins, and I was off to patrol the forest roads.

The Knight and The Caretaker (Sonic x Lancelot)Where stories live. Discover now