The Festival

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(For enhanced reading experience, listen to Kingdom Dance from Tangled)

We trotted into the glen of the orphanage and something was different once more.
All the children were gathered around Sonic, and he was tying a bow on the back of a little girl's dress.

All the children were dressed in more colorful and less dirty clothes, and some wore flower crowns in their fur.

Sonic was dressed nicer as well. He wore long loose green pants, the same ones he wore the day after he got his clothes soaked through by Bramble.
He had on a loose white shirt and wore his gold cuff bracelet, and his green bandanna.

"Oh! Lancelot! Tails! Cream! You're here! Perfect timing!" He said, walking up to Onyx.

"Sonic? Is there a reason you are all dressed so nice?" I asked, curious as to their different appearance today.

"Oh that's right! Today is the Berry Moon festival!" Said Tails.

"The what?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"The Berry Moon Festival, it's a small festival that happens every year in Huckle Village! It's a village nearby and we like to go every year!" Said Sonic. "Kristopher is getting Daffodils right now so she can pull the cart! You can come along if you want Lancelot!"

I thought about it for a moment. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to take some more time off my forest patrol than usual.

"Alright I will come."


Kristopher came over with Daffodil and the cart and the children started getting into it.
Sonic hopped up onto Daffodil and waited for everyone to climb in. It was a decently big cart so all the children could fit, and then Bramble jumped in, and they closed up the back.

"Alright, let's go!" Said Sonic.

He led out first and I followed close behind. I could see the children reach for the branches and try to grab leaves as we trotted down the path. We left out of it and started down the road.

Sonic led the way and I had Onyx follow close beside Daffodil.

"So, what happens at the festival? How do you keep track of all the children?" I asked.

"Oh, the usual games and dances and markets! And the children all know how to take care of themselves and I set a meeting place for us once we're all done! The festival ends when the ceremonial bell is rang so I tell them to all meet me by the cart. I know how to keep track of the children so if someone's missing I'll immediately go look for them!" He said.

"Interesting. What's this festival all about?" I asked.

I didn't explore other towns much, I only ever stayed in Camelot or went to visit the Lady of The Lake.

"The Berry Moon festival is about the town's founder. She discovered the old town and found out that it was overgrown with berries. She found a way to get the town to run off Berry trade and the art of Berry craft so the town developed under her guidance. And that's why they celebrate it!" He chirped.

"Hm, interesting." I said softly.

We finally made it to the town and the festivities were already in motion.
Music played and people danced. It was quite colorful too.

Sonic gathered the children near the stables where we tied up Daffodil and Onyx.

Bramble sat next to Cream as Sonic looked out on the children.

"Now this shall be our meeting spot! Don't forget! Try to stay in groups but remember when the bell tolls, come to the stables. Anyone who runs off on purpose is having extra chore duties this week, understood?" Sonic said.

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