The Forget Me Nots

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I followed Sonic down the row of flowers, studying his every movement as he pulled up weeds and watered the blooms.

He was so graceful with everything he did, It was amazing just to watch him sometimes.

It had been a week after I had saved him from drowning and they have been excellent. I enjoyed visiting every day, helping with chores, playing with the children, and being able to lay my eyes upon the hedgehog I was falling deeper in love with every day.
I never thought I would be capable of falling for someone this hard but Sonic is absolutely irresistible.
He's almost too perfect for someone like me.

"What are your favorite flowers, Lancelot?" He asked, watering a patch of daffodils.

I snapped out of my thoughts and considered his question.
"Marigolds, I suppose..." I hummed.

"Oh Marigolds are always such beautiful flowers!" He gushed. "However my favorites are forget me nots! They have such a sweet meaning and are so beautiful, I try to keep a small patch of them in the garden, however it's hard to find seeds sometimes."

I nodded, glancing away at the scenery.

"So, Sonic, have you ever thought about finding a lover? A wife or a husband?" I asked, softly, wanting to know if I even had a single chance with him.

He looked at me with confusion then hummed for a moment, thinking.

"Well, I haven't ever actually thought about it... I actually hardly ever leave the orphanage, every day is like a routine of taking care of the children I never really think about finding one." He sighed. "But it's alright, maybe I'll meet someone someday while I'm out getting groceries for the children or someone comes to visit... or someone I know wants to be my lover..."

We locked eyes for a moment then looked away.

"I should be leaving soon, I shall see you tomorrow, Sonic." I said, turning to leave.

"Oh, alright, Goodbye Lancelot!" He said as I walked towards the stables where they kept Onyx.

The orphanage also had an old wagon horse they named Daffodil. She was no horse meant for a fight or to race, just carry a wagon around.

I hopped on Onyx and left the stable, headed towards the gate.
I looked back and waved to Sonic as I left.
He waved back and then disappeared behind the trees as I passed through the gates.



Lancelot has been acting different since he started taking the forest patrol.
He's been more relaxed and more kinder to some of the new less experienced knights. He seemed to be off in a daydream whenever he wasn't on watch for our king. He walked around the castle with a calm smile, unlike his stoic frown he always used to wear on his face.

Merlina said he might have fallen in love, but with whom?
None of us knew anyone Lancelot loved and he hardly ever left the castle...perhaps he's met someone while on patrol?

Percival and I had been talking about it for quite sometime.
"Should we confront him about it? I'm curious to know what's got his mood up." I said.

"I wish to know as well, however I think it would be invading Sir Lancelot's privacy." Said Percival.

"Sir Gawain! Sir Percival! Come quick!" Said Merlina who had run into the room.

"What, what is the matter?" I asked, a bit worried but confused by the smile on her face.

"Just come along!" She said, running out and down the hall.

Me and Percival followed after her until we reached a balcony. It was one that looked down upon the gardens.

Peasants and Nobles alike were allowed to visit the palace gardens, and some would pick flowers and make bouquets for their lovers.

However never in a million years did I think I would see Lancelot in that same field.
But there he was.
Making a bouquet.

"Is that?" Gasped Percival.

Merlina giggled and ran down the stone steps, off to the side of the balcony that led down into the garden.

"Sir Lancelot!" She called.

We followed her and she called his name again.
He looked up and stood when we ran over.

"Sir Lancelot! I see you're making a bouquet for someone!" Merlina said with a cheerful smile.

He held a bouquet of Forget-me-nots and Lavender in his hands and I could see him slightly blush.

"Y-yes. I suppose these are for a special someone." He said.

"So you have fallen in love?" Asked Percival with a grin on her features.

He looked away, clearly embarrassed, but he nodded.
"Aw! Who's the lucky maiden whose has captured Sir Lancelot's heart?" Asked Merlina.

"I'm afraid, it's not a maiden at all, Lady Merlina." Lancelot said.

"What?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. "Lancelot, have you fallen for another male such as yourself?"

"I suppose so, but how could I not? He's almost too perfect for anyone..." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's he like? Who is he?" Asked Percival.
I could see the curious glint in her eyes under her visor.

"I suppose, it wouldn't hurt to tell you about him. I have fallen for a hedgehog, much like myself. He lives in a orphanage, running the whole thing by himself with his three younger siblings... he's so kind, he almost reminds me of Maria..."

None of us had ever heard him mention her name in ages.
However we all knew who she was.
Lancelot's older sister who had passed on during the 10th kingdom attack.

"I visit him every day, because I escort his two younger siblings back to the orphanage. They're all so awfully sweet but..."

He looked down at the bouquet in his hand with a warm smile.

"I can't help but enjoy seeing his smiling face every single day."

"Awww, Lancelot! You're so in love with him! That's adorable!" Squealed Merlina.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"His name is-"

Then the bell rang in the tower, signaling the end of most of the peasants work day.

"Oh, Chaos! I'm late to escorting his siblings back! Please excuse me, I must go!"
Lancelot ran off before any of us could say anything, still carrying the bouquet.

I suppose we'd find out his name later.


I was being pulled outside by my apron.

"Come on, Mister Sonic! Play with us!" Exclaimed a few of the children.

"Yeah! Yeah!"
"Play with us! Please!"

"Woah! Okay! Okay, you little rascals!" I giggled, as I walked down the steps.

"Sir Lancelot and Tails and Cream are here!" Shouted one of the children in the yard.

The children around me cheered and ran to greet them.
I sighed and smiled, happy they got off my back for a moment.
I dusted off my pants and then stood up straight.
And as soon as I stood I found a bouquet of flowers being held out to me.

Lancelot was holding a bouquet of forget-me-nots and lavender.
"I uhm, picked these for you...I hope you like them." He said, shyly looking away from me.

"Oh, thank you Lancelot, they're beautiful." I said softly, taking the bouquet.
"And forget-me-nots! You remembered my favorite flower!"

"Y-yeah, I thought you'd like them." He said.

Some of the children awed and ran around us.
"Alright children! Calm down! Dinner will be ready in just a moment! But you all can play for the moment!"

The children ran off and I laughed with a cheerful smile.

"Thank you for the flowers, they're absolutely beautiful Lancelot." I said.

"You're welcome Sonic, but I think they look even more beautiful, in your hands."

The Knight and The Caretaker (Sonic x Lancelot)Where stories live. Discover now