The Confession

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I approached Tails's shop with a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I was a knight, I was supposed to be able to face dangers untold, enemies and warriors that struck fear into the hearts of peasants. I was supposed to be able to face all that but I couldn't face the one man I had fallen in love with and...kissed.

I was planning on just leaving Tails and Cream back at the orphanage and then leaving. I couldn't face Sonic after yesterday...

I stopped and hopped off Onyx.
I adjusted the straps on his saddle as the work bell tolled and I heard the sound of the shop door opening.

"Children, please forgive me but I just am going to drop you off at the orphanage. I don't think I have time to hang around today..." I sighed, as I turned towards the door.

"I suppose you don't have time for a cup of tea then?"

I froze when I met those emerald eyes.
Sonic stood at the door, wearing his usual working attire with his bracelet and a white bandanna today.
My heart jumped when I finally processed his presence and I could feel myself go red.

"Sonic! I- uh, forgive me! I-I...I'll just leave if that's-"

He grabbed my hand as I stuttered and I could see him slightly turn red as well, a sort of bashful gaze...

"No! I uh...I want to talk, just a little you have time, Lancelot?" He asked softly, looking into my eyes.

I glanced around and nodded.

He smiled and let go.
"I made some tea inside, come."

He opened the door and I walked in first. He closed the door behind him and walked over to the table as I looked around.

The shop was smaller with a much smaller furnace and there were tools and blacksmithing equipment all over. Sonic had two cups of tea at the table off to the side and he sat down.

I joined him and took one of the cups of tea. I lifted my visor and glanced over at him as he took a sip.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" I mumbled, even though I knew full well what he wanted to speak of.

"Did you enjoy the festival, yesterday?" He asked.

I nodded and sipped my tea.
"Yes, it was quite...uh...charming..." I mumbled.

He smiled and nodded.

"The children all enjoyed it, they couldn't stop talking about all the fun activities they did afterwards." He giggled softly.

"Ah, good."

Then it was awkwardly silent again.
The air was thick with tension and both our clear nervousness.

It was quiet before Sonic cleared his throat, and I could see him look away from me. His face was redder than my quill highlights.

"D-did...did you, ahem, uh...mean it?" He mumbled.

"Mean what?" I asked, even though I knew it I just couldn't say anything.

"Like...the kiss? After the dance? Did you mean it? I mean it's perfectly fine if you didn't and it was just the heat of the moment...I mean, you're a royal guard! Why would you have any attraction to a filthy peasant? I'm not even of any high status or I-"

"I-I did mean it! And you're not filthy! Sonic, you're one of the most kind and radiant people I've ever met. I-I-I kissed you at the festival because...I-I..."
I looked down at my cup feeling my face burn.
"I think I love you..."

The Knight and The Caretaker (Sonic x Lancelot)Where stories live. Discover now