The Beauty

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I pulled back my quills with a ribbon then went to scrub the bloodstained clothes.

It had been two days since Sir Finn had joined us and he had been a nice help around the orphanage.

He couldn't walk much due to his injuries but he tried to help when he could. He say it was to repay me for letting him stay and tending to his wounds.

He would play with the children and tell them stories, plus he'd sometimes help with chores. The only issue was his and Lancelot's dislike for each other. Plus, Lancelot was a sort of...jealous lover. He didn't like how I had to give attention to Sir Finn instead of him.

But now I was just trying to wash Sir Finn's clothes.
These stubborn bloodstains wouldn't come out!

I huffed and scrubbed harder.

"Everything alright over there Sonic?" Asked Sir Finn.

He was out in the yard, sitting as the children played around him.

"Yes! Everything is fine! I'm just trying to wash out these bloodstains!" I called back.

He got up and limped over and looked into the washbasket.

"You don't have to wash my clothes, Sonic. They're probably all torn up now." He hummed.

"Nonsense! One I clean them I can mend them." I said.

"Mend them? You know, sometimes I forget you are no maiden." Chuckled Finn. "You'd make an even better housewife them most fair ladies I know. No wonder Lancelot fancies you."

"Well, when you've only been raised by women and taught how to take care of children instead of being a knight, you become like me." I said. "And don't you have a fiancé?"

"Oh yes. He is a strange one though. She is a maiden and a male at the same time. He is stubborn yet awfully caring. She always hates when I have to go off on quests and leave her. Hopefully he should be here soon since I sent a letter." Said Sir Finn. "I do miss her."

"He sounds like a fine partner." I said with a smile.

"Sir Lancelot's here!" Shouted some of the kids.

I looked up and saw Onyx trotting in with Lancelot, Cream, and Tails.

Once they stopped Lancelot hopped off and helped Tails and Cream down.

He then turned and a smile formed on his face when he saw me.

"My love." He said, walking up to me and kissing my hand.

"Hello, Lancelot." I said softly.

"Good afternoon, Sir Lancelot." Said Sir Finn.

"Sir Finn." Grumbled Lancelot, shooting a glare at him.

"Hey, no fighting in front of the children." I growled at the both of them.

"Apologies, my love." Said Lancelot.

"Please Excuse us, Sonic." Said Finn, bowing in apology.

"You're excused, now, let's go in and eat shall we?" I asked. "CHILDREN! FOOD IS DONE!"

The children started to run inside, and I walked in with Finn and Lancelot on my tail.

I walked in and started to serve the food for everyone, then I served Lancelot and Finn. We sat out on the balcony.

"So how has your day been so far, Lancelot?" I asked, as he ate some of the food I had made.

"Mostly the same, we've started training some newer knights. There's this one I've taken a bit of a liking too but he's awfully clumsy. His name is Galahad." Lancelot said. "Also, Merlina, will not stop bothering me about wanting to meet you."

I snorted.
"I would love to come visit your friends and fellow knights, however, I cannot leave the orphanage for too long. The children need someone to look over them." I said.

"Maybe one day I'll bring you into Camelot." He said, resting his hand on the table and holding mine.

I blushed and smiled. "That would be nice, I hardly ever leave here unless it's for shopping in the nearby small towns. Or to the festival or lake..."
The festival, our first kiss...

Lancelot smiled and continued to eat.
"I was thinking, when we are wed, we can have the ceremony down in the town where we first kissed. Perhaps even during the festival?"

I went red in the face.
"Lancelot! We have only been together for such a short time! You are already thinking about marriage?" I squeaked.

"Yes, and then I'd help you run the orphanage possibly till Cream is old enough to take over and then you and I would live together in Camelot, and take in maybe three or four children." Said Lancelot calmly, not even knowing the effect his words had on me.

I mumbled a bunch of nonsense and buried my burning hot face into my scarf.

"You know, if you two are speaking in terms of your love for each other, I can leave." Said Sir Finn.

Oh heavens, I forgot he was still here.

"Oh! Sir Finn! Please forgive us! We can refrain-"

"No, no, you two can keep talking. I shall go sit and eat with the children. I much like their company." He chuckled, standing up.

"Oh alright! Just don't hurt yourself!" I said as he limped away.

Lancelot watched him go, seemingly annoyed about him.

Then once he was gone he held my hand tighter.

"I do not trust him around you." He grumbled.

"Lancelot it's alright, he hasn't hurt me at all and he's a huge help with the children." I said. "What made you two hate each other so much anyways?"

"It...was years ago. He is a very dishonorable knight. He used to have a lord he was loyal to, but then the lord was killed in a battle and now he simply goes around, working for anyone who can pay him well enough." Lancelot said. "But years ago, when we were both still young knights, I challenged him to a duel over the honor of my king which he insulted. He played dirty and fought unfairly, then he ran like a coward. I found out he was imprisoned a while after that since he had killed one of the lords of the land who refused to pay him. Now he's here..."

I nodded and sighed. Knights could be so difficult with each other sometimes.

I kissed Lancelot on the cheek.
"Well, he seems a bit better now. And He's only staying till he's healed and his fiancé gets here."

"Alright...but I also don't like it how often he is around us. I have hardly any alone time with you."

"I run an orphanage full of children, Lancelot, what did you expect?" I giggled.

"I know, I-I just feel selfish saying, I just want you all to myself."

He then pulled me close and kissed me.
I kissed back eagerly, and placed my hands on his shoulders.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips harder against mine.

He then pulled away and stared at me with a loving gaze.

"I love you so much, my beauty."


The Knight and The Caretaker (Sonic x Lancelot)Where stories live. Discover now