The Pond

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It had been a week since Lancelot had started coming to our orphanage and I enjoyed his visits every day.

However today was different from the usual routine.
There was a pond nearby the orphanage. When it was a warm day I would take the children down to it to play and splash around in the water.

I never really liked water seeing as I couldn't swim but I let the children play at the shallow edge and run around and splash each other.

I had left a note attached to the door of the Orphanage for Lancelot, Tails, and Cream, to tell them where we were. Tails and Cream knew their way here, and could most likely direct Lancelot to us.

I sat down by the shaded willow tree, and set down my pack and my book.
"Be careful on the dock children!" I called.

There was a small wooden dock in the pond that stretched out to the deeper part of it. Some of the older children liked to make their own fishing rods or craft nets to catch fish although often they didn't work.

But when they did we would have some nice fish for dinner.

Currently three of our oldest kids were over on it, with some flimsy crafted fishing rods and one of them had a net made of twine.
Kristopher, Corriane, and Wendy were the trio and so far they had only caught small minnows that they were keeping in an old battered tin bucket I didn't use anymore.

"Got it Mr. Sonic!" Shouted Wendy.

I settled down into my spot and opened up my book and grabbed the pencil from my pack, still keeping an eye on the younger children playing near the shallow water's edge with Bramble.

I started to sketch.
I liked drawing, it was one of my things to do in my downtime when I wasn't watching children.
The last few sketches I had made were of flowers and Bramble, and a few of Lancelot.
I loved the complications of his armor and drawing it. I had never seen him without his helmet or visor so I had attempted to envision what he would look like without it in a sketch.

It wasn't the best but it was ideal I suppose. I started to sketch the edge of the water with the cattails and the children playing.
I sighed contentedly, and there wasn't any disruption until I heard some yelling and distress over at the dock.

I looked up and over at the wooden dock.

Wendy had bumped into Kristopher and he dropped his fishing rod in the water and now it was slowly floating away and he was trying to reach out to get it.

I immediately stood up and walked over. I didn't want them that close to the water.

"Kristopher! Back away from the water!" I said getting up onto the old wooden steps to the dock.

"But Mr. Sonic! My fishing rod! I worked so hard to make it!" He whined.

Kristopher was already 15 but that doesn't mean I was any less worried for his safety.

I sighed and walked over to the edge of the dock, nervously eyeing the water.

"Here, I'll get it. I have longer arms, just be careful next time once I get it." I said, gripping the post of the dock and leaning out to grab the fishing rod.
I outstretched my arm to try and grab the wooden pole floating in the water.

Some of the younger kids that were playing were now watching intently, curious as to what I was doing.

My finger barely touched the pole as it slowly slipped away.

"Careful big brother!" Shouted Charmy.

"I'm fine, I just- EEK!"

My grip on the pole slipped and I fell into the cold deep water.

The Knight and The Caretaker (Sonic x Lancelot)Where stories live. Discover now