Meant To Be [Heizou x Kazuha]

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Kazuha POV:

"The echo of a deer's cry longs for love, it walks along the maple leaves as it gazes upwards towards the welcoming sun rays... what do you think of that verse?" I reach out to stroke the deer gently, it's chocolate brown fur brush against my fingers. It grunts twice softly, indicating its approval. "You like that, eh?" I chuckle and I scribble that verse down in my notepad, the deer gently presses its antlers against my head, "aw..." I press my forehead against it, feeling its warmth. 

I take a deep breath to inhale the earthy smell of the ground and the familiar scent of the maple tree. The deer and I share a special connection, it's been with me here at this exact spot from day 1... neither of us wanted to leave the others side. "Hey... look" I say as I point up to the maple tree, "the leaves... are falling" the deer turns its head towards the tree just as a gust of wind passes by, blowing a flurry of blood red leaves in our direction. It spins and dances in the air, jumping... twirling... they even perform the classic loop, "you know... deers and maple leaves are considered a romantic duo here in Inazuma right?" I whisper softly as I watch the leaves float down, groups at a time. The deer stomps its hooves happily as it catches a leaf in its mouth and places it gently on my head, "oh!" I try to keep it balanced on my head. "That's cute" I say as I place a gentle kiss on the deer's nose. 

Heizou POV: 

"I love you Kazuha!" I tried to say but it comes out in a series of grunts, shit I forgot. I stomped my hooves as an indication I was happy, I leapt up to catch the biggest and reddest maple leaf in my mouth, it has a strange bitter and earthy taste. I placed it on top of his head, I attempted to also plant a kiss on his head but it just doesn't work. "Oh!" his voice was bright and soft as he attempted to balance it on his head, "that's cute..." he leans in and places a soft kiss on my nose.I felt a rush of warmth flow into my cheeks, he did not just... before I could react, I feel my body shake violently until *poof*...

*cough cough* "What just happened?" I say but immediately slapped my... um... palm over my mouth. I was able to speak...? 

Kazuha POV: 

The air in my lungs immediately leaves as the cloud of smoke disperses, the deer's upper body was human... his shining maroon hair and sparkling emerald green eyes glisten in the afternoon sun. However, his lower body was still pretty much a deer. "What..." a wave of confusion, shock, and surprise washes over my body. "H-Hello... um, do you have a name?" I ask awkwardly as my eyes refuse to look away from his body. 

Heizou POV: 

I haven't entirely broken out of the curse yet, but I was relieved that I was partially human. ", do you have a name?" Kazuha looks at me curiously. My mouth felt dry, but I was able to muster enough energy to say, "H-Heizou... it's Heizou" I bite my lip softly, a little nervous. It has been a while since I've had a proper conversation with anyone. I didn't want to mess up. 

Kazuha smiles softly, "Heizou..." my name rolls off his lips softly, causing my heart to beat rapidly. He reaches out and touches my cheek, his touch is inviting and warm... it sends a swarm of butterflies into my stomach as sparkles fly between the two of us. I knew by the moment he touched me, our bond had strengthened... I have never connected with anyone this way, I have never even FElT this way before, what... what is this? Why was I feeling this way when I'm with him? 

I'm not about to take my ability to speak for granted, I took a deep breath... my chest rises and falls as my heart pounds in my chest. "Kazuha..." I took his hand in mine as I gently nudged him with my antlers, his eyes flicker towards my face, I gulped but continued speaking. "Y-You've cured my loneliness and spoke to me even if I couldn't respond... you came everyday without fail... a soul so pure, kind and gentle..." I pause for a moment as Kazuha sniffles quietly. I chuckle, "call me crazy... but when I see something beautiful... I wanna keep it that way" I give his hand a small squeeze as I finish my sentence, tears were flowing from Kazuha's eyes like a beautiful crystalline waterfall. "Heizou... you're too kind to me... you're just... you don't know how touched I am to hear you say that" he pulls me forward into a tight embrace. I trip over my hooves at the sudden movement, my face buried into his chest, his lips on my neck. 

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