Melody [Sucrose x Albedo]

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Sucrose POV: 

"Ah..." a breath leaves my lungs as I was slammed into the wall, "sorry!" the pupil hastily shouts over his shoulder as he rushes past. I sigh, I was that one science geek nobody likes... that one quiet girl that gets ignored by everyone. I adjust my glasses, I was used to this treatment. I bolted out of the school gates and headed towards the city bridge, the one that connects the bustling city to the peaceful woods. I liked going there... it was a place where I could finally relax, and where I could peacefully contemplate everything without disturbance. I let my arms rest on the dusty wooden rails as I stare out into the ocean, watching the waves hug the shore... separating the city and the woods. Gentle guitar strums meet my ear, I knew the lyrics to this tune... I've heard it every single time I come here, it was a sweet yet sad piece about a small child wanting to socialise but was too afraid to. "When the thunderclouds meet a rainbow... where the birds fly to and fro... maybe that's where you'll find me... tucked under the shade of a cedar treeeeee..." I sang quietly as I closed my eyes, listening intently to the sound of the guitar mixed with the calls of the ocean. 

I was sick and tired of my life, everyday was exactly the same. I got up, ate breakfast, went to school, visited the bridge, came back from school, did my homework, ate dinner, read books and went to sleep. I closed my eyes as I put my hands together, "I really want a companion in which I can share all my passions with... is that too hard to ask for?" I mumble as my eyes slowly flutter open and my hands part. At that exact moment, the guitar strums stop... and a new melody began, I didn't recognise this tune... but it connected to me in some way. My curiosity led me away from my spot on the bridge... making my legs move on their own, I follow the sound of the guitar, it leads me deep into the forest... my fingertips trace along the moist, rough bark as the scents of oak tree leaves cling to the air. Finally my feet make a stop half a metre away from a magnolia tree, a figure curled underneath the shade hugging a guitar. A boy around my age with ash blonde shoulder length hair and big bright turquoise eyes looked up at me from his guitar, his clothes... slightly frayed, he wears a small yet sad smile on his face, a dried up sunflower rests on his guitar. 

"Hey there, wanna sit?" he pats the spot next to him, I feel my throat tighten as my legs began to shake a little. I wasn't very good at social situations, "u-um... hi..." I mumbled quietly as I sat a few centimetres away from him, his gaze softens as he picks up his guitar pick. The two of us sat in silence for a moment before he started to play again, I closed my eyes as I leaned against the rough bark, hearing his playing close up was much more beautiful than listening to it from the bridge, a sense of contentment washes over my body, his fingers gently pluck the strings making them shake like maracas, his eyes closed... just absorbing the sounds of nature and the sounds of his guitar. After he finishes, he looks at me with hopeful eyes, my mouth feels a bit dry as I speak, "i-it... it was beautiful" I gasped out. "I've um... I've heard you play for quite a while now and-..." before I could finish my sentence, the boy covers his face as it goes bright red, "wait what?!" I chuckled at his reaction. Was he feeling self conscious now? "I really like your playing... it's soulful, you can definitely make it big" I say with a little more confidence in my tone, he laughs. "I'm not THAT good..." he looks down at his guitar, caressing the side of it gently. 

"I'm Albedo" he extends his hand towards me, "ah..." a small sound escapes my lips as I hesitantly slip my small slender hand in his. "Sucrose..." his palms were soft but the back of his hands were rough, he smelled like cinnamon. "So Sucrose..." he says while raking a hand through his locks, "which school do you go to?" my eyes twitch at the mention of school, I hated everyone there... only because they didn't like me. "Um... I go to Müller High..." I say quietly as my eyes flicker towards his face, "really? I go there too! I'm surprised I haven't seen you around before" he says with a shrug. I allow myself to chuckle at this comment, "oh... well it wasn't really my intention to stand out... I prefer to just blend in with the background y'know..." Albedo nods understandably. "Ah so you're the quiet type... that's cute" he pokes my cheek playfully, causing a shiver to run down my body, my face heats up. He pulls out a small pocket watch, "ah the sun is about to set... see you at school tomorrow?" I nod, "y-yeah... I'll see you tomorrow... hopefully..." I waved goodbye to Albedo as I watched him slowly walking into the distance, becoming nothing but a small dot bobbing in the distance. 

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