Is there an end? [Scaramouche/Wanderer x Furina]

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Note: Modern AU and Ballet AU 

Furina POV: 

My hand glides across the beam, feeling the smooth texture of the wood against my fingertips. I stared at my reflection in the large mirror, I let out a sigh. The mirror displays a lively yet hopeful girl who wants to make it big... yet the sadness her eyes hold...ugh. Suddenly I felt a strong whip against my backside, "hurry up and practice! Don't slack off!", I bit my lip to endure the pain. "Y-Yes... ma'am..." why does it still hurt? This has been going on for many years, it shouldn't hurt anymore... 

Scaramouche/Wanderer POV: 

I looked up at the tall and vintage building with stars in my eyes, I clutched the audition form close to my chest. It has always been my dream to become a ballerina, sadly I was always mocked by the other kids back in the adoption centre. They'd call me names like 'sissy' or 'soft good for nothing idiot', it had even gone as far as assuming I was transgender. After many years at the adoption centre, facing these nasty kids... I finally made a run for it. I couldn't handle the torture and mockery anymore. The first two weeks living on the streets, gosh... it was as if it were yesterday. Rats would steal my leftovers, moths ate holes in my jumper so it looked more like a hole than a jumper, and the change I earn during the day would be snatched off by a creepy old man with the words 'hate' and 'ruthless' tattooed on his neck. 

"You'll do great..." a hand squeezes my shoulder, I look down to see my small adoptive mother, "thank you" I say quietly. It still felt so surreal that I was even here at this prestigious ballet school, I took a deep breath and stepped into the reception area. I did not practice for nothing.

 "Oh you want to audition?" the lady at the reception looks at me surprised, I nod my head slowly. "Mm... sure, we don't get lads who want to learn ballet a lot, good luck!" she hands me a small entry paper before directing me towards the audition room. "I'll wait for you out here" Nahida smiles softly, "mm..." I smiled back as I began making my way towards the room. 

 The long corridors were awfully empty and quiet, my footsteps echoed. "*sobs* P-Please! I'm trying!" a girl's voice cries out, I stopped in my tracks and peeked through the crack in the door. 

Furina POV: 

"M-Mother!!" I choked out between tears, "I'm trying!" her nails digging into my flesh, the pain was just unbearable. "Useless child! Crying will do you no good, you're not even half as good as the other girls! You should be working harder!" a strong slap makes contact with my face, the pain tingles and lingers on my cheek for a moment as more tears escape my eyes. "More, more!" my mother thumps me hard in the back, causing me to wheeze, tearfully... I raised my arms elegantly and started practising twirls and leaps. This is a never ending performance. 

Scaramouche/Wanderer POV:

A gasp leaves my lips as I watch the girl being slapped, I stood frozen on the spot, absolutely speechless. "" the words slipped out of my lips quietly, suddenly the girl's mother looked at the door. I inhaled sharply and pressed my back against the wall, I took one last glance at the girl before heading into the audition room. She was beautiful, her white hair intertwined with pastel blue, her eyes different shades with luscious lashes. Something about her..., I can't put my finger on it yet. 

Furina POV: 

"J-Just... never mind! You're not in your right mind, training is over but it'll start again tomorrow at 6AM sharp" her words cut deep into my heart. "Yes ma'am..." I bow politely before going to the changing rooms, I close the door behind me and let out a groan. I lifted up my shirt slowly and turned around and glanced at the mirror, my back was decorated with patches of purple, blue, and green, dots of blood scattered across my shoulders... an imprint of a hand on my cheek. I sigh loudly as I dump my ballet clothes into the bag and slip on my dark blue long sleeved shirt and ocean blue pants. I headed towards the audition room, it was my favourite place to go, watching eager dancers express themselves and try to make it big. That... is my form of relief.

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