Captured [Keqing x Charlotte]

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Charlotte POV: 

Liyue, a land a world away from Fontaine. Everything around here is just so exciting! I look through my lens to take photographs of the tranquil environment. The wispy clouds crawling across the sky, the boats approaching the port, the buildings sitting next to each other as its interiors were bustling with life, and... a very familiar purple haired girl. Huh... isn't that Keqing? I remember Keqing to be a very interesting individual the last time I spoke to her during Lantern Rite, she was someone with a very strong mindset and determination when it comes to handling tasks which I deeply admire and would like to learn from her. I zoomed in a bit more, what could she be up to? 

Thanks to my new lenses, I can now zoom in further and have better clarity when taking photographs, I watch Keqing closely... studying her every movement. Her movements are either quick and swift, or elegant and classy, her long purple hair caught in the fresh Liyuean breeze as her dress billowed in sync with the wind. Her beauty was undeniable, her jawline... as sharp as her blade, her eyes... full of bravery and the desire to achieve big things. Suddenly, she looked directly at me, my fingers tensed up. "Hello!" she mouths as she gives me a little wave, my limbs felt as if they were frozen in place, I watched Keqing pose and blew a kiss into the camera. Instinctively, I pressed the shutter. *snap* With shaking fingers, I clicked into the camera roll and stared at the photo I had just taken, it was a masterpiece. 

I've always thought Keqing was good looking, but why... why is it in this photo... it makes her seem... attractive? Wait what?! No no no! I can't think of her like that, it's weird. A rush of heat covers my cheeks as my eyes were still glued onto the photograph, "hey Charlotte!" Keqing walks up to me as she dusts her hands off. "Can I see the photograph you just took?" at the mention of the photo and being caught staring at it causes a wave of embarrassment to travel through my stomach. I quickly fumbled and placed the camera back in my rucksack, "h-huh?! What photo?" I squeaked as the red colour on my cheeks got even darker. Now, it was pretty obvious I was hiding and not telling the truth, Keqing smirks as she puts her hands on her hips... "come on~ let me see!" she insists. I sigh as I handed over the camera, "pfft..." Keqing takes the camera from my hands, "don't laugh..." I mumbled as I avoided her gaze. 

Keqing POV: 

It is honestly really amusing to see Charlotte's flustered side, to be honest... I've only ever seen her energetic and interrogative side... but this side, hm... it's honestly pretty cute. I clicked into her camera roll to see the photo she took of me earlier, the lighting showcases my facial features and captures my curves at just the right angle, her precision and positioning is highly commendable. My eyes widened as I stared at her, "mmngh..." Charlotte covers her face with her hands to hide her bright red face. "Hahaha, you can look at me now... I promise it's nothing bad!" I gently take her hands in mine as I remove them from her face, "don't hide your cute face away from me Charlotte~" I say playfully as her lips press together into a thin line. 

"Anyways... I think you really have a talent in photography, it was just mind blowing! The lighting and the positioning was just perfect, can I keep a copy?" I say, Charlotte's face returns to a more normal shade. "Um, yeah of course you can!" her fingers were still slightly trembling as she pressed print on the camera which spits the photo out, "here..." I gently took the photograph from her and held it towards the warm rays. "Thanks!" I say as I squished her cheeks playfully before skipping off down the street with a happy and slightly fuzzy feeling in my stomach, Charlotte... definitely not someone I'd bump into everyday. Her level of energy... and the way she'd ask about my personal life, spend time with me outside of work hours and genuinely care about me... I place a hand over my heart, I am very grateful I met her. 

Charlotte POV: 

The feeling of her touch still lingers on my cheeks as I watch her get further and further away from me, becoming nothing but a speck in the distance. My face heats up again at the thought of her squishing my cheeks, I sighed loudly. Why do I feel this way about her? This is so unprofessional of me! Yet... why is she so carefree around me? Could it be that...- no no, I'm definitely over-thinking it, I'm so delulu. I shoved my camera back inside my rucksack and headed to my temporary accommodation for some rest before heading out on my second photo shoot in the evening.  

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