Hatred Days & Loving Nights [Alhaitham x Kaveh]

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Note: KAVEH IS NOT PREGNANT AND IN LABOUR ANYMORE LETS GOOO (I got his cons)!!! Btw this is a smut shot, hehehe~ also extra fact - they're a switch couple <3 

Alhaitham POV: 

It's been about 4 years since Kaveh has been living with me, and he's completely financially stable now... but somehow he still doesn't leave. Kaveh is the sort of guy that is very sensitive and jumpy when it comes to even the smallest of things, which then leads to him making a huge fuss over nothing all the time. I don't mind his company to be honest, and teasing him is my method of passing the time, his reactions are always priceless but I don't dare laugh out loud. One thing I don't like is Tighnari and Cyno making unnecessary comments about this, things like 'ooh and they were room mates' and 'wow he has a heart after all' kind of bothers me, in my opinion... this was a mile away from a proper romantic relationship. Besides, if I were to look for a partner... I have many fine young ladies I can choose from, but that's too much of a hassle. One thing is for sure, I will never stop teasing him. It's just too amusing sometimes. 

I found the guy in question looking at a book very closely, it's as if he has to pronounce word by word slowly and carefully in his head... just in case he misses the tiniest bit of knowledge. His back hunched over the book, his finger slowly running across each row of words, eyes squinted... lips pressed firmly together. I swiftly made my way over to him before sitting directly opposite me, "hey" I say bluntly. I studied his face for a few brief moments before making the conclusion that he wasn't going to speak, that's fine with me, I've got a book to read as well. I take out a rather small and old novel from my pocket, it was about a legend that has passed down from many generations about the origin of the setekh wenut, and I think I'm getting to the best part. After finishing that chapter, I lowered the book, my eyes lingering on the blonde haired man still reading studiously. Maybe I should have some fun with him. I put the book down on the table and scooted my chair forwards, I reached out and started poking at the bit of hair that was partially covering his eyes as it was dangling downwards while Kaveh is hunching over. One poke became two then three then four, my mind blurs for a few moments as I continuously poke at this one lock of hair. After about 10 minutes, Kaveh slams his hands down on the table, "WILL YOU STOP?!" he sighs exasperatedly before rolling his eyes then he returns to his hunched position. Now who was the one with the terrible temper again? Not me. 

Kaveh POV: 

Study... I've got to study or else my client will cry! I stare at the words on the page, trying to take it all in before I go see them this afternoon, as I was trying to focus... Alhaitham HAD TO come along and start pissing me off. It's not like I have something against him, but he always finds a way to make me feel stupid or annoyed, suddenly I feel someone's foot rubbing against my leg, I groaned internally. I bit my bottom lip as I flipped over to the next page, suddenly Alhaitham tilted my face towards his and our lips roughly connected for a few seconds. My mind blurs over as I kissed him back but just as I begin to melt into the kiss, he pulls away. "See ya" he walks away without a backward glance, what... what was that? I touched my lips as I felt the force still lingering there, "y-you...!" I clenched my fists tightly but he was already gone before I could utter another word. I let my forehead rest on the table, "that bitch..." I muttered under my breath as a wave of heat brushes over my face. I hate this, I hate how he gets me worked up all the time then moves on like nothing ever happened! I swear... he takes years off my life! 

He had some nerve to pull off an act like that in public, oh I'll show him! I rolled my sleeves up as I put the book back on the shelf before marching in the direction he went. "Excuse me... did you see where the Grand Sage went?" I asked one of the scholars as they directed me to the restricted section, thankfully I knew how to access it as I frequently got books and important files from there. Now don't have shitty thoughts about me, alright? I don't read smut, okay... maybe once when I got aroused by the noises Alhaitham made when he was working out. BUT THEN AGAIN, who the fuck grunts and makes literal growling noises with every push up, every bicep exercise, and every stretch? I swear the guy isn't embarrassed to do anything, he'd probably even scratch his balls in public with no shame, I'm getting a headache. I slide the hidden door aside as I step through into the pin drop silent room where there were rows and rows of books that are sealed away from the general public. Now where is he? 

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