My Person [Mona x Scaramouche/Wanderer]

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Note: Just a super fluffy ScaraMona shot. :>

Scaramouche/Wanderer POV:

My back is pressed against the soft grass, the fireflies... gently hovering in the air, creating little spots of flickering light. The stars were winking down at us, I turned my head slightly as my gaze lingered on the dark haired girl. "Hey bitch" I say softly as I tugged on her ponytail, she hisses. "What now? Be grateful that I, the great astrologist Mona even invited you to be in my presence to watch the wonders of the stars..." I watch her with a 'seriously' expression as she gets lost in her speech. I cough abruptly, "can you just listen to me? I have something to say..." a feeling of hesitation rose in my chest, will I regret what I am about to say? Would saying this to her be a mistake? "Oh... what is it?" the moonlight reflects in her eyes, making them glimmer with curiosity. 

Now, saying things that have a deep meaning or resonance to me out loud isn't something I usually do, but keeping it inside my body would only cause my body to decay from it even more. I took a deep breath, "about 500 years ago... my path for life was already set for me, a life bound by strings, a life where personal opinion is non-existent..." I let out a sigh. "Things took a turn, obviously... I was discarded, thrown away. As if I had no purpose at all, as if I had no emotions at all... so I started to question myself, am I a failure? Was my existence a mistake?", my fists clench as Mona slowly sits up wearing a sad look on her face. "Scara..." she whispers softly in which I scoffed in return, "I thought violence was the answer... I thought violence is a way to claim my vengeance on this cruel world, exerting all my anger out on innocent people... thinking that every life I end is a month paid back to me... to compensate me for the amount of pain and betrayal I've gone through", I raked my hand through my dark indigo hair as I stared out into the stars. "Of course, it became too difficult to handle for me and so I deleted myself from Irminsul... so the world can just forget about me... so I can have a second chance, a fresh start... almost... you saw right through my facade" I watch Mona from the corner of my eye, she edges a little closer to me. I hug my knees, "*sigh* I don't know why I'm even telling you all this in the first place, but what I'm trying to say is that I've never been understood in my life, it's as if I'm a completely different species, a specie so different that a permanent companion is impossible... this feeling, slowly chipping away at my self esteem..." Mona bites her bottom lip as her hands gently presses on top of mine, a rush of heat washes over my face. 

Mona POV: 

"H-Hey! Don't touch me!" he growled as he attempted to wriggle free from my grasp, I refused... and so I tightened my grip. "I... felt like that once too you know..." I say in a timid voice as Scara pauses, "what...?" he looks at me intently, as if giving me a cue to elaborate. A sudden feeling of self consciousness wraps around my waist, have I spoken too quickly? Do I really want to say all this now? No no, I have to. Scara had already shown me his weak side, he'd probably feel less uncomfortable if I did the same. I squeezed his hand gently as I began speaking, staring out into the galaxies. "People would often ridicule me when I expressed my interest in astrology, every time I do so... everyone just thinks I've gone completely insane. It was as if astrology was equivalent to wearing shoes on your hands and gloves on your feet" I feel my hands tense up as all those unpleasant memories return to my mind. "I was a freak... I was an insane nobody that had a strange infatuation with the stars, a man once said to me to stop dreaming and expecting that everything that happens to an individual was predetermined by the stars, telling me that this isn't Shakespeare's time anymore, and that the course of life is determined by way more forces than just the heavens and stars... I remember this as if it only happened yesterday" Scara's lips part as a breath escapes. 

"As you can probably see, I never gave up my passion, the stars... each and every one of them is my friend. But..." I look down at the calm ocean as it crashes against the shore, "I really want someone who could be with me, hold me close through the darkest of days, lending an ear from time to time, and battle through the difficulties of life together... I really want to find my person", the long uncomfortable silence was deafening. The heaviness of the words clung to the air, I watch his pupils enlarge as his lips twitch, he opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. 

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