Happiness Is When I'm With You [Heizou x Scaramouche/Wanderer]

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Kujou Sara POV: 

I knocked twice on the hard oak door to Heizou's office, "Shikanoin?" I yell through the door. "What now?" I opened the door to see the maroon haired detective leaning back on his seat with his feet propped up on the table as his eyes skim through the reports while chewing on his pen. My face twists to one of disgust, "will you have some appropriate manners at work?" I smack my forehead. "You better be working your ass off" I say as Heizou's eyes flicker towards me. 

"Oh but Madam Kujou... I AM working my ass off..." Heizou protests as he puts his feet back down on the floor and begins twerking. "SHIKANOIN HEIZOU!" my face twists to one of bewilderment, "excuse me but what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I cover my eyes before Heizou goes a step further. "I'm working hard just like you said Madam Kujou~" he chirps innocently, "whatever..." I head out of his office as quickly as my feet could carry me. That detective... I swear to the archons, "*sigh* what a brat..." 

Heizou POV: 

I had an amused smile on my face as I watched Kujou Sara get so worked up by my masterful hipwork. I sighed and chuckled to myself as I finish writing the report I was working on, "in conclusion Miyuki is innocent due to sufficient evidence that suggests the opposite party have paid certain individuals near Bourou Village to frame Miyuki... full stop!" I murmur to myself as I finish the sentence. I pack everything back inside my briefcase before dashing out of the Tenryou Commission, finally... I'm free! I decide to head down towards Konda Village to buy some mushrooms off Konda Densuke to make myself a nice mushroom stew when I get home, "mm...mmm~~" I hum quietly as I stroll along the path, kicking aside small pebbles along the way. 

Scaramouche/Wanderer POV: 

I can't believe this, years and years after the incident, and I still find myself standing in front of the statue of the electro archon. It was as if it only happened yesterday. "Hey kid!" one of the guards walked up to me, "you look awfully like the Shogun..." his eyes squint as he looks at me sceptically. My nose scrunches up, "so? It's not a crime to look like her is it? It's not identity theft!" the guard was a little lost for words, "n-no... this can't be just a coincidence... her excellency must see this!" with that, the guard drags me by the arm into the Tenshukaku. "Hey! Let me go right now! I did not consent to this!" I was completely ignored as the doors of the Tenshukaku creaked open, a feeling of dread consumed my heart. The guard leads me to a private room, "please wait here..." he politely bows before leaving. As soon as he's out of earshot, I point the finger at the door, "fuck you..." I mumble softly. The floor was laid with beautifully woven tatami, the cushions were awfully soft and the scent of tea clung to the air as the vapour gently wiggles upwards, I took a small sip and immediately spat it back into the cup. "Too sweet..." I put the cup back down, I was not fond of sweet foods. 

"It's him... I swear it is!" a hushed voice hisses, followed by the sound of high heels making contact on the ground. The sliding door slowly opens and a very... very familiar figure walks in, vibrant long purple hair braided carefully cascades down her back, those eyes... those eyes who once looked down at me with such affection and care... turned into one of coldness. I held my breath, I couldn't look her in the eye, not after all this time. "You..." she began then paused, "could you please... stand up and turn around?" I didn't want to lash out at her straight up, so I reluctantly stood up and faced away from her. I feel her breath on my neck as her fingers gently pull my shirt back a little, a small gasp escapes her lips, "the mark..." Raiden immediately turns to the guard and asks for him to leave. "Yes your excellency" the guard half-bows before shutting the sliding door, leaving just my creator and I in the room.  

The deafening silence was killing me, "Scaramouche?" her voice filled with uncertainty, I don't answer. Her face shuts down, like a small shop... first the windows... then the doors, she looked up at me, "Kunikuzushi" her tone was slightly sharper. My shoulders jolt at the name,  "it's Wanderer!" I snap as I slam my fists on the table, causing the tea cups to clatter. She was stunned to silence, I took a few deep breaths as I attempted to calm myself, "son..." her hair glows bright purple. My lips press together tightly into a firm line, "mother..." I force myself to say, "*sigh* I am sorry" her eyes meet mine. "It was for the best..." as soon as those words left her mouth something in me was set alight, "it was for the best? The best? Really...?!" I could feel the fury climbing in my body as I laughed mockingly, "you... abandoned me... left me to rot!! All I ever wanted was a loving mother along with me during my childhood journey, is that so hard to give?!" my eyes filled with tears as those dark memories returned into my mind, "son... that's not what I-" she began but I cut her off, "shut up...! Just... shut up!" my voice wobbles a little. "Am I just unworthy of happiness? Am I just a failure to you?" 

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