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AN: I love fucking up this story
So many plot twists
So little time ;)

Luka's POV

"What the fuck."
Rin turned around too and threw her jacket over Miku who was arguing with her about how noticeable and ridiculous it was.
The purple haired guy looks in our direction and I ball up my fists, that bastard.If he didn't learn his lesson last time I would have to teach him again.
And this time I would leave reminders.
IA looked at my fists and back at my face, one of her "please don't do this" looks.
It wasn't until the two devils approached our table that my fist began to loosen.
It wasn't him.
In fact, they may have even been related.
"I see you ladies couldn't get enough of us.You were staring." The guy stated.
"Kind of rude you know." The girl added in.
The smug look on both of their faces pissed me off.Escpecially how rude the girl was being.
"We're sorry we just thought you looked familiar." Rin apologized.
"Whose under the jacket?" The guy asks.
The girl reaches over the table and yanks it off. She smirks and returns to her normal pose.
"Its you.The girl from the news."
This bitch is making me mad now.
How dare she.
"Oh?" I respond.
She looks at me and then back at Miku.
"My father didn't rape you or anything." She says, picking up IA's glass of water.
She throws it onto Miku, "You're just a delusional bitch looking for attention."
IA stood up and punched her square in the jaw, sending her to the floor.She began to wail out punches as I locked eyes with the guy and l punched him in the nose.
Rin took Miku's hand and escorted her to the bathroom.
The employees watched, probably because they recognized Miku and who she was as well.
How fucking dare she say that?And her father?Is she taking up for him?
I grab the guys shirt collar and pull him forward,"Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm Greg Kaumi, Gapuko Kaumi's son."
I punched him harder, and I stood up.IA locked eyes with me and looked at both of them.
"You and your sleazy, wimpy banana ass father better stay away from Miku."
"And me." I say.

Magnet~(Luka X Miku) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now