Part twelve: the apology

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I scoff at Rafe and start to slam the door until his foot apears in between the door. "Dont shut the door on me Bea, please let me talk to you." I look behind me to see if the girls are looking and there not, I sigh, open the door and walk outside, shutting the door behind me.

"Go, say what you want and then get the fuck off my porch." I sit down on the pull-out couch on the porch. Rafe goes to sit beside me but decides not to. Rafe looks down at me and gives me a lousy half-smile, "Look, I didn't come here to fight." I scoff while still looking down "That's hard to belive." He sighs but ignores my comment and continues.

"I know what I did was wrong, I just wanted to say that I am sorry and if you want me to never talk to you again then I wont." Be starts to leave but my words stop him. "Rafe, you beat me until I could barley walk. 'I'm sorry' can't be your only defense is it. I mean you are showing me the one reason I don't like you."

I stop talking to catch my breath, while I do rafe continues again while slowly walking back to me. " I know, I get that I impusivley and wrongly struck at you, but i'm not going to sit here and tell you why I did what I did. just, tell me what to do to get you to forgive me." I look up at Rafe throught my lashes.

"Tell me why, I want to know the reason you did it." I motion for him to sit next to me so he does. He starts to say something but doesn't, moments later he speaks. "To give it to you short, I was having a bad day and I was drunk and i felt like I needed to hit something before I went crazy and you just happened to be there."

He looks over at me and waits for my answer wich I give almost immedietly. "Look, I get it. We all have bad days but this, this was like really bad." I stand up to start going inside but stop for a second to say one last thing to him.

"Oh, and Rafe. I forgive you, for everything but I don't think my brother does." I start to open the door while looking at Rafe until I notice that he is looking behind me until a familiar voice scares me.

"You're damn right I don't, what the actual fuck are you doing here Rafe." I walk over to my brother to try to calm him down but hes already mad. Rafe speaks which makes me look at him.

"I just came over here to apoligize to Bea." I look between the two boys until stopping to look at rafe while another voice starts. "I thought I told you to stay away from her." I look at JJ and sigh.

I dont want these guys to fight on the porch so I come up with a clever sulution, "If you guys are going to fight. Do it in the yard." Rafe looks at me. "I'm not gonna fight them. I'm gonna leave but, Bea whenever you want to talk you have my number."

I look at him cmpletley confused because I dont have his number at all. My brother starts speaking again. "What the fuck. Bea are you like macking with him. Ew thats actually fucking, just. ew." I shrug and scoff at John b and talk.

"No, i'm not 'macking' with him. I would litteraly burn myself before I slept with him." I open the door and walk inside to the girls and Pope all playing some card game.

Sarah looks to me and starts speaking. "Who was at the door Bea?" I try to speak but JJ interupts me. "Someone she should never fucking talk to again." I look at JJ and watch him walk to our room and slam the door, I want to follow him but I don't.

I feel like if I follow him it will be to obvious so I just shrug, sit down and let everyone get out there jokes. "Whats his problem." Pope says. "He's probably just on his period." Sarah says. Finally John b decides to be a good friend and puts a stop to the shit talking.

"Can we stop please it's really fucking annoying, and we need to get in the van now, the suns about to go down and we have to find this house on figure eight." I nod at him and get up and walk to the van.

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now