Chapter 5

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Ty's POV:

Antonio comes up next to me. Shit, he saw me smoking. "Following me, LoSpeechio? Pretty stalker-ish if you ask me." I joke with him. He laughs a little bit before speaking.

"You gonna share or what?" He asks. I'm a little surprised at his remark, anyone else would prolly be weirded out. I hand him the joint and he takes a hit. He tilts his head up, slowly blowing out the smoke. I admire how beautiful he looks in this light. "You wanna sit?" He says, gesturing to a spot on the sand. I nod and we walk over before sitting down. I sit on his left side, with my right side facing him.

"So, you always carry joints around, or is this a special occasion?" I elbow him slightly and he takes another hit before passing it to me.

"Well, it's one of the reasons I got kicked out of Southeast. One of the many, many reasons." I say and we both laugh. I take a hit and hold the joint in my left hand. I see him look at me and turn to face him. He puts his arm around my shoulder, going to grab the joint from my left hand. "You're bold, LoSpeechio." I say. "You always like that?" I continue.

"I am with the things I want." He says, taking a hit and blowing it out. My stomach does a backflip at that comment.

"And you're saying what? You want me?" I can be bold too. Not as bold as him though, fuck.

"Maybe." He turns to face me and we make eye contact. "You'll want me too when you're screaming my name." He smirks. I blush at that. Hard.

Holy shit, I can't believe he said that. I mean, I'm not against it. I grab the joint from his hand and take a hit. I go in as if I'm going to kiss him, and he leans in too. He parts his mouth slightly, and my lips are inches away from his. I blow the smoke directly into his mouth. He tilts his head back and closes his eyes, inhaling the smoke through gritted teeth.

"Time and place LoSpeechio," I start, "You tell me." I finish. He raises his eyebrows before chuckling slightly. The joint was almost gone, so I stamp it out after we both take one last hit. He stands up and reaches out for my hands to help me up. We walk back to the bonfire together and, luckily, no one noticed that we came back, so we didn't get any questions. I sit next to Nini and Antonio goes to talk to, who I now knew to be, Jay.

"Girl, are you high?" Nini asks. Obviously.

"Yeah, a little." I say and chuckle a bit. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"You ready to go soon?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm chill, just let me know." I respond and she nods before going back to talk to the group. I catch Antonio looking at me and he smirks before taking a sip of his drink. I just notice how hungry I am and my stomach starts growling. I hold onto my stomach trying to keep it from growling, or at least not being loud.

I stretch my neck a little before looking around, my eyes catching Antonio's. He mouths 'You good?' and I respond with a nod and slight smile. He looks unsure, and reaches into the cooler behind him. I can't see what it is he's holding, but he walks over and sits next to me.

"Here." He says, handing me a bag of chips.

"You don't have to." I say. He doesn't take the chips back, insisting that I take it. "I'll share with you, I know you got the munchies too." We both laugh.

"Ohh so you can share!" He says, stretching out the words. I elbow him before opening the bag. We eat them together, talking and laughing before Nini tells me we're leaving. We get up and say bye to everyone before I get to Antonio. I go to dap him up and he holds my hand a little longer, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He leans down to my ear, still holding my hand.

"Ciao principessa." He whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes back slightly at the smell of his cologne, and the feeling of his warm breath on my ear. I wouldn't be surprised if it was his natural scent. (Bye Princess).

He smirks and lets go of my hand, letting me go with Nini and Serene. I feel my body shake, saddened by the lack of his touch. A touch I was so desperately craving. We walk away and I turn around to look at him and see him touching his chin, looking me up and down.

We get in the car and Nini drives me home. All I can think about is Antonio. I walk into my house and see my mom sitting at the table, eating some food. "Hey, kòman sa te ye?" She asks.
(Hey, how was it?)

"Bien, merci." I respond. I head upstairs to my room, changing into pajamas and pulling out my phone.
(Good, thank you)

I scroll on socials and decide to do a little digging. I'm not a a stalker, but I am when I have to be. I go onto Serene's page and look at her mutuals. I find an account with the name "Ant_LoSpeechio" and already I know it's Antonio's.

I look through some of the pictures and see one of him, a boy that looks around my cousins age, and a boy that looks around 6. They look like him, so they're probably his brothers. In the photo it looks like they were trying to take a serious one, but they started laughing midway through.

I scroll to the next photo and see him in Italy, in the background is the city of Palermo. The caption read: "In my hometown, feels good to be back." So this is where he grew up. I decide to be bold. I like the photo and follow him. I immediately turn off my phone and put my blanket over me.

I feel a buzz come from my phone and look down to see a notification. Holy shit, he followed me back. He liked a photo of my cousin, and my brother, and I from a few months ago, before my brother went away.

I see another notification, a DM. It reads: 'Who's the stalker now?' He got me there.

'Maybe I'm just interested👀.' I send back.

'If you're that interested, why don't you pull up?' He sends with a wink face emoji. I gasp at the text. Like, audibly gasp.

'Shittt, send the @ and maybe.' I send back.

'Lmao, see u at school ma. Hopefully before then.' He responds.

'Sleep well stalker.' I send with a snooze emoji. He likes my message and I see that he's not active anymore. I turn off my phone and drift off to sleep, thinking about him, and the way he makes me feel.

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