Chapter 16

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Antonio's POV:

I fall asleep with Ty on top of me. She lies with her head on my chest, and her finger rubs up and down my abs. I think she just does it instinctively at this point. She has her other hand in her hair, as usual, always obsessed with her hair. I have one hand on her back and rub it slightly as my other arm just lies out across the bed.

I wake up a couple hours later to Ty not laying on me anymore. I smell a faint smell of weed and look over at my window, where I see her sitting on my large windowsill, smoking a joint with the window open. I look closer and see she's wearing my shirt, and no pants, only her underwear.

I stand up and put on a different shirt that's on the couch. I walk over and sit across from her and she looks over at me. "Here." She says and hands me the joint. I smile and thank her. I take a hit and blow it out the window. "You're so fucking perfect you know that?" She says. I chuckle lightly and look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"Like you're so respectful, nice, non-judgmental, caring, empathetic, and just all of the above." She says. I lean in and start giving her bunch of kisses all over her face. She laughs and leans her head back. I open my legs and signal for her to come over. She comes over and sits in between my legs. I bring the joint in front of her face and she takes a hit before tilting her head back and blowing the smoke up in the air.

We sit there for a bit before I break the tension. "So," I start. She hums lightly waiting for me to continue. "Full ride to Berkeley?" I ask excitedly. She chuckles lightly. "Amore that's amazing!" I whisper yell.

"Yeah, but I don't know." She says, unsure.

"Why not?" I ask and rub her back slowly. I take a hit and wait for her to respond.

"I guess I wanna wait until more colleges reach out. What about you?" She asks me. I blow the smoke through my gritted teeth.

"I'm going to Berkeley. Legacy and shit. I just need to get my degree then I'm gonna take over the business." I tell her. She nods her head and hums.

"I wish this was all simpler." She says. We both chuckle lightly.

"Anche io." I respond. We talk for a little more until I check my phone. The clock reads: 5:55. me too.

We finish the joint and I put it out on the ashtray on my windowsill. I hold her in my arms and she leans her head back. "Wait, I don't have clothes here." She says.

"You have a few of your shirts here, and your black J's. And you can just wear one of my pairs of sweats." I tell her. She clicks her tongue.

"Aww, you're the best." She says. We both chuckle a little until we get up and lay back down in bed. I throw an extra blanket over her and we fall asleep almost immediately. We wake up a few hours later and I check the clock. It reads: 10:00. I wake Ty up so we can start getting ready.

I give her a pair of black sweats that look adorable on her. She wears a black cropped t-shirt that she left at my house a while ago, and her black J's. I wear the same pair of black sweats, with a form-fitting black shirt, and my black J's that we bought together so we could match.

She ties her hair into a slick backed ponytail, and I go into my closet and grab her present, and a black duffel bag with mine inside and put them in together.

We walk out of the house into the car. "Are you not gonna tell me where we're going?" She whines.

"No, it's a surprise." I say and laugh. I drive and we talk and listen to music. Most of the ride was her tryna convince me to tell her. We pull up and I help her out.

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