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୨⎯ Chapter 5⎯୧
"West Gate of Moira"

୨⎯ Chapter 5⎯୧"West Gate of Moira"

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AS WE APPROACHED the West Gate of Moria, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer magnitude of the walls that surrounded us. The ancient stones loomed overhead, their weathered surfaces bearing silent witness to the passage of time.

Gimli's voice broke through the hushed reverence, his tone filled with wonder. "The walls of Moria," he murmured, his eyes wide with awe as he gazed upon the imposing structure before us.

As we walked along the edge of the lake, I watched with concern as Frodo's foot slipped into the icy water. His gasp of surprise echoed through the stillness, and I hurried to his side, offering him a reassuring smile as he regained his footing.

Meanwhile, Gandalf's keen eyes scanned the outline of the doors, his expression thoughtful as he studied the ancient markings etched into the stone. With a flicker of determination, he stepped forward, his staff held aloft as he began to recite the Elvish inscription.

"Now, let's see. Ithildin -- it mirrors only starlight and moonlight," Gandalf mused, his voice tinged with anticipation as he spoke. With the appearance of the moon overhead, the doors shimmered to life, their surface aglow with an otherworldly light.

"It reads 'The doors of Durin - Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter,'" Gandalf explained, his gaze shifting to meet ours as he shared the meaning behind the ancient words.

Merry's curiosity got the better of him, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he questioned the significance of the inscription. Gandalf's response was as cryptic as ever, his confidence unwavering as he assured us that all we needed to do was speak the password to gain entry.

"Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen!" Gandalf's command echoed through the air, but to our dismay, the doors remained firmly closed. Undeterred, Gandalf pressed forward, his determination evident as he began to push against the unyielding stone with his staff.

"Well, that was certainly enlightening," I muttered under my breath, shooting Gandalf a wry smile as he continued to wrestle with the stubborn doors.

Beside me, Gimli let out a snort of amusement, his gruff voice tinged with a hint of mockery. "Ah, yes, nothing like a bit of Elvish poetry to open a door," he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he watched Gandalf's futile attempts.

I exchanged a knowing glance with Legolas, his expression unreadable as he observed the scene before us. "It seems our esteemed wizard's magic isn't as potent as he would have us believe," I remarked dryly, unable to resist a sardonic jab at Gandalf's expense.

With each passing moment, the weight of our quest hung heavy upon us, reminding us of the perilous journey that lay ahead.

As time passed, the rest of the Fellowship gathered around the doors, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and frustration. We waited in silence, each moment stretching into eternity as we held our breath, hoping against hope that Gandalf's efforts would prove successful.

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