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୨⎯ Chapter 6⎯୧
"Bloody Orcs"

୨⎯ Chapter 6⎯୧"Bloody Orcs"

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THE FELLOWSHIP FOLLOWED Gandalf's lead, their footsteps echoing softly in the vastness of the stone corridors. Gandalf's gaze shifted towards one of the doorways, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully before he spoke. "Ah! It's that way," he announced, his tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Merry's voice cut through the quiet tension, filled with a touch of humor. "He's remembered!" he exclaimed, a note of relief evident in his words. "Thank Valar, I don't know how much longer I could wait" I sighed. I could see Legolas looked at me with amusement.

Gandalf offered a wry smile in response to Merry's and my jest. "Ah, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here," he remarked, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

With Gandalf's guidance, the Fellowship pressed onward, their footsteps quickening as they approached a more open space ahead. Gandalf paused, his staff held aloft as he cast a soft glow into the darkness.

"Let me risk a little more light," Gandalf suggested, his words a beacon of hope amidst the shadows that surrounded them.

As his staff illuminated the grand hall before them, a collective gasp escaped the lips of the Fellowship. Stone pillars stretched upwards, disappearing into the darkness above, while arched ceilings adorned with intricate carvings loomed overhead.

"Behold the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf," Gandalf proclaimed, his voice filled with reverence as he surveyed the majestic surroundings.

Sam's awe-filled whisper broke the silence that followed, his eyes wide with wonder. "Now there's an eye-opener and no mistake," he remarked, his admiration for the ancient city evident in his voice.


The grand hall of Dwarrowdelf stretched out before them, its towering pillars and arched ceilings casting long shadows that danced in the flickering light of Gandalf's staff. As the Fellowship stood in awe of the ancient dwarf city, Gimli's eyes fell upon a ray of sunlight piercing through the darkness, illuminating the Chamber of Mazarbul.

"Haugh!" Gimli's cry of anguish pierced the silence, his grief palpable as he rushed towards the crypt of his fallen kin. Ignoring Gandalf's caution, he knelt by the tomb, his hands trembling as he traced the ancient runes etched into the stone.

Boromir approached, his touch a silent gesture of solidarity as he placed a hand on Gimli's shoulder. "He fought bravely," Boromir murmured, his voice heavy with sorrow.

Meanwhile, I stood beside Legolas, my heart heavy with sympathy for Gimli's loss. I reached out, my touch a wordless offering of comfort to the grieving dwarf. Legolas watched the scene unfold, his gaze flickering with a mixture of sorrow and curiosity.

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