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Three months.

It had been three months since Robin had become the Dark One to save Regina. He didn't regret his decision one single day. But he was more than aware how long he had been away from her and his son. He had watched them during that time. Watched as Roland struggled to adjust to a life without him. Robin's heart broke whenever he saw his son's red rimmed eyes or watched him sit dejected on the swing at the park. He watched Regina hug Roland, comforting him when he got too sad or fell and scraped his knee. It had taken all of Robin's self-control then not to run across the street, scoop up his sniffling boy and hold him close.

 But his newly gained powers had taken some getting used to. It had taken him weeks to get to the point where he was comfortable not to do something dangerous by accident. Like the time he had scorched a good swath of forest just trying to light his campfire. Or when he sent himself flying through the air, breaking his arm in the process. Robin still didn't know what he had done to cause that. While he had been able to heal his arm, he realized he had to continue staying away. For now it had been him, but next time it could be Roland or Regina. He couldn't chance hurting them. So he had to stay away until he could control his magic.

Until he could control himself.

The darkness brought out the worst in him, the parts he tried to keep at bay with his honor code. Anger. Greed. Lust. Jealousy. They swirled around him and battled for dominance within his mind and soul. He felt the darkness licking at him and wondered if (worried that) this was how Regina had felt when she began becoming the Evil Queen.

One night, he lay in the woods thinking about everything that had happened in the past few months. It had started pleasant enough, with memories of the farmhouse and the smoldering tension between him and Regina. He had been tempted to kiss her then, Evil Queen or not. Yet she had run from him and Robin had vowed to get to know her. She was too intriguing to let go.

Robin had set up camp in the same spot where she had kissed him the first time. Maybe part of him had hoped she'd coming looking for him here. But his lips tingled in memory of the evening they shared, just kissing each other as they sat around his fire.

Everything had gone fast after that. Just as he was planning a future with Regina and their sons, Marian appeared at Granny's. He was overjoyed to see her again...before the implications for his growing relationship with Regina hit him. In the end, he hadn't been able to stay away from her.

So why are you doing it now?

 As he thought about Marian, he returned to that tiny apartment in Manhattan. Back to that awful night where he snapped at Regina, where Marian's dark hair and warm brown eyes gave way to red curls and cold blue eyes. Where he realized the full extent of his actions and how deeply he had betrayed Regina and their love.

He was having a child with the person who wanted to destroy her.

He was having a child with her sister.

She took him back but that was always going to be a cloud hanging over them. He stared at the stars above him, wishing it wasn't so. In what seemed like a blink of his eyes, he found the stars replaced by a tiled ceiling. Robin sat up, realizing he was in the hospital by the cell Regina was keeping Zelena in. Horror crept upon him as he realized the darkness must've taken over and brought him to the witch who wronged him to do...what?

Robin didn't think he wanted to know the answer.

As he pulled himself up, he realized a protection spell had repelled him. He raised his hand and found he could detect who had cast it. It seemed to be a mixture of Emma's and Regina's magic. Robin closed his eyes in relief, glad Regina had been prepared.

The Prince of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now