Epilogue: Birth

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A/N: This is it, the final chapter. As I said in my author's note in the last chapter, this is predominantly Zelena giving birth. Read at your own discretion. I don't know how much more I can stress that. If you don't like Zelena or Peanut, just please don't read.

Being a father of two now meant chaotic mornings, Robin learned. He had taken to getting Roland and Henry ready for school to let Regina sleep when her morning sickness had been at its worst and didn't stop once it subsided. Robin made the boys breakfast and packed their lunches, hurrying them into coats and out to the bus. With kisses and hugs, he saw them off to school, waving at the bus until it disappeared around the corner.

The morning of January 10th, the boys were particularly energetic with the prospect of the weekend only hours away. Robin barely got Roland to swallow any of his oatmeal and nearly had to drag Henry out to the bus. But they made it on time and he would be the first to admit he breathed out in relief once the bus was out of his sight.

He returned inside to find Regina hurrying down the stairs, phone in one hand and shoes in the other. Robin frowned. "Is something wrong, love?"

"The hospital called. Zelena's in active labor," she said, sliding on her shoes. "It's time."

Dread and anxiety filled Robin and he took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll go change and get my shoes on."

"You can use your magic. Get some practice and cut down the time."

"It's okay. I won't be too long."

He tried to move past her to get to the stairs but she stopped him. She spoke in a soft tone as she asked: "What's wrong? You seem off."

"I'm scared," he admitted in a whisper. "The baby is really going to be real now. And she can change everything."

"She will change everything. So will this baby." Regina rubbed her growing baby bump as she smiled. "And we will face it. Together."

Robin nodded, kissing her. "Thank you for being so supportive. But I still don't think we have to rush right out. Labor can take a long time, my dear."

"Alright, but don't take too long. Zelena would deliver early just to piss us off, I can feel it." She followed him upstairs.

Robin pulled out a lightweight long sleeved shirt and sweater to go over it before changing into his jeans. "You don't' have to stay you know," he told her.

"What?" She looked at him, brown eyes wide.

He pulled the lightweight shirt over his head. "You don't have to stay for the birth if it'll be too painful. You can just drop me off and I'll call you when she's here."

"I'm your wife and I vowed to stay by your side in good times and bad," Regina said, kneeling on the bed to take his hands in hers. "Besides, she will be our child. I want to be there."

Robin nodded, feeling uncomfortable as Regina continued to watch him. She tilted her head. "Robin...do you not want to be there?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "Part of me wants to wait and just go in when the baby is born. The other wants to be there for the whole experience."

"I'll do whatever you want, Robin," she said, squeezing her hands.

He nodded, taking a deep breath as he considered his options. Not going wouldn't make anything better—there was still years of dealing with Zelena beyond this point. And he knew he would regret not seeing this baby enter the world. "I'm going to go," he said softly.

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