A New Life

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Warnings: Mentions of rape. 

Henry woke early one Saturday, a few weeks after they had returned from Camelot. It was a rarity during the school year as he was pretty sure his body used the weekend to catch up on the sleep he was denied during the week. So he hardly saw daylight before noon.

This morning, he had sighed when he saw his clock reading 8:05 AM. He had laid still, hoping that sleep would find him again but soon ended up tossing and turning. Giving up, he decided to head downstairs and have breakfast.

His mother was sitting at the table, looking pale and sick. Robin stood at the stove, waiting for the teapot to boil. Stepping into the kitchen, Henry frowned. "Mom? Are you okay?"

"Your mother's feeling a bit nauseous this morning," Robin replied. "I'm making her some tea. Has she eaten the crackers I've given her?"

"No," Henry said, eyeing the little stack still sitting in front of her.

Regina glared at him. "Traitor."

Henry sat down and took her hand in his. "What is it? Did you get that stomach virus going around school? I mean, Roland and I haven't gotten it but maybe we brought it home. Do you need to see a doctor?"

"I'm fine," Regina insisted as Robin set a mug in front of her. "You two don't have to worry."

Robin met Henry's eyes as he sat down, just as concerned about her as the boy was. He watched as Robin leaned forward, rubbing Regina's back. "I think it's time to tell him, love."

"Tell me what?" Henry frowned.

Taking a deep breath, Regina took his hand. "Henry, I'm pregnant."

Surprise filled the boy. His mother had confided in him about her infertility not long after Robin had become the Dark One and they were dealing with the early stages of Zelena's pregnancy. Seeing how upset she was over the whole matter, Henry had remarked that she could always have a baby with Robin if she wanted. Regina had gone quiet before telling him about the potion she had taken years prior and Henry finally understood why she had adopted—it wasn't just because she had been single at the time. But she hadn't felt any regrets about that potion nor did she express any wish to reverse what she had done. There was only one explanation he could think of: "Avalon? Did it undo the potion? You said it healed injuries caused by dark magic."

"The potion I used wasn't dark magic," Regina replied. "Besides, I was also pregnant by the time we went to Camelot."

Henry blinked a few times as he processed what his mother was telling him. If she was pregnant then, that meant only one thing. "Robin was still the Dark One."

"I was," he confirmed.

"So what does that mean? For the baby?"

The two sighed. "It means he or she will be very powerful and we're going to have to make sure they use that power responsible. Will you help us?" Regina asked him.

"Of course," Henry replied. "He or she will be my baby brother or sister. I'll do anything to protect my siblings."

Regina engulfed him in a hug and he held her tightly. He knew she and Robin would be worried about this baby for years. If he was honest, he would probably be worried as well knowing the potential his new brother or sister would have to go dark. He already worried about Robin's baby with Zelena. But he knew that his mother and Robin would do everything in their power to make sure both babies grew up loved and happy, just like they did with him and Roland.

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