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Robin wandered the woods, unable to sleep. He had had a close call with Regina that afternoon but he was unable to resist the urge to see his son learn to swim. Roland looked so happy and he appeared to be making friends. Living with Regina was doing him good.

He stopped, finding himself outside Regina's vault. His late night walks often brought him here. Sometimes she was there, most times she wasn't. No matter which, Robin would bask in the memories before moving on.

Tonight, candlelight glowed from inside. Regina was there. And this time, he descended the stairs into her private retreat.

Regina stood at the end of the main room, holding his dagger. He had never asked but always assumed she had been the one to take the dagger. Like Rumpelstiltskin before him, he only trusted it in the hands of the woman he loved.

Why did she have it out now? He frowned, wondering if she was going to summon him and force him to do something. Robin doubted it. From what he knew about Regina—both from what she told him and what he read in the book—she was used to someone controlling her her whole life. She also told him about how she tried to control Henry when he started to pull away and how that backfired on her. Regina wouldn't do that to him.

He noticed the hand holding the dagger was shaking. Why?

Because she can feel the power, feel the temptation. She knows how easily the darkness can take over.

No. I'm putting up with you to protect her. Leave her alone. Robin crossed the room, laying his hand over Regina's arm. "Put it down, Regina. Please."

She released her grip on the dagger and he put it down in her safe. As he did so, she turned in his arms and buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and began rocking her.

"I wasn't going to use it. I don't know why I even had it." Her voice was muffled by his shirt. "But it just called to me."

"It still wants you. Even after giving myself to it." Robin closed his eyes, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry I'm not doing a better job of protecting you from it."

Regina fisted his shirt. "It's not your job."

"Of course it is." He kissed the top of her head again. "Promise me you won't touch the dagger again. Let someone—anyone else—do it. Got it?"

She nodded and started to look up. Robin held her head close to his chest. "No, wait," he said. "Do you mind if I blindfold you?"

"Robin, I don't care what you look like."

"I know you don't. I just...I care what I look like. Please?"

She sighed. "Fine. There should be something behind me. I'll keep my eyes closed until then. Promise."

Regina stepped away, her eyes screwed shut. He glanced around and spotted something green amongst her books. It was one of his scarves and he smirked to know Regina had kept it. Now, it seemed fitting that it was what he used to blindfold her. "There."

"Happy now?" Her lips twitched and he knew she was fighting the urge to smile.

"Very." He took her hand. "Shall we dance?"

Even though she was blindfolded, he knew her eyebrows rose up in surprise. "What? Why?"

"Because I've wanted to dance with you for a long time, milady, and I'm tired of waiting for the perfect moment. We need to make our own."

He snapped his fingers and music began to play. It was a soft ballad and he pulled her closer, swaying in time to the music. She melted into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. As the music continued on, Robin let himself enjoy the experience. It was almost normal.

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