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"Could we take a vacation? Before school starts?"

Regina looked up at her son as he stood over her desk. She put her pen down and sighed. "And where would we go? How would we get there? More importantly, how would we get back?"

"Ingrid's scroll. You still have it, right?" Henry rolled out a map of the state of Maine. "There's a little town nearby. We could go for a long weekend. It's got a lot of history, plenty of shopping, swimming for Roland and a forest for Robin."

She smiled. "You want all four of us to go?"

"Of course." Henry looked like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Regina sighed. "I'll think about it. A trip would require a lot of planning."

Henry's face fell and Regina stood, coming around her desk to hug him. "That's not a no. I think a family trip would be lovely."

"Great!" He squeezed her back. "You're the best."

Knocking interrupted them. Regina raised her head from her son's shoulder. "Come in!"

Emma opened the door, smiling when she saw the two. "Oh good. I can kill two birds with one stone."

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

"I was hoping we could grab lunch," Emma replied, throwing her arm over his shoulders before pointing to Regina. "And I need to talk to you."

Regina frowned. "About what?"

"Official town business."

Henry threw up his hands. "Guess that's my cue to leave. See you outside, Mom?"

Emma nodded, watching as he kissed Regina's cheek. "I'll be out in a minute, she told him.

Once the door closed, Regina sighed. "What now? Our prisoner still not happy with his food?"

"I think he just likes to complain. And yes, Madam Mayor, I have been varying his meals."

"Good." Regina sat down. "So what is it?"

Emma sat down as well, smirking. "Well, the pool staff has reported that though they lock up at night, there's been a few nights where they find the lock undone and everything open. Now, nothing's been reporting missing, but they checked the footage anyway..."

Regina froze, knowing what they found. She cursed herself for not being more careful. Why hadn't she remembered the security cameras earlier and wiped them? Why hadn't they locked back up after sneaking in? Both of them had magic to teleport themselves out of there. For that matter, they could've used magic to get in. Why had Robin insisted on picking the lock each time?

She did her best to keep her face passive. "And what did you discover, Sheriff?"

"That our mayor is an exhibitionist," Emma replied, eyes shining. "I must say, I didn't know you and Robin were that...flexible."

Regina closed her eyes, counting to ten. "Is that your official business? To tease me?"

"Who is teasing? I'm impressed."

Rubbing her face, Regina sighed. "Do you want some tips, Miss Swan?"

"No, I think Hook and I are good for now." Emma sighed. "Just try to be more careful. We don't want to have explain this to Henry. Or my parents."

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