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Chapter 9: Darkness

Regina followed Emma into the auditorium. People were crouching behind chairs or shielding their loved ones from Robin. No, Regina amended, from the Dark One.

The lights had been flickering due to Robin's magic, she realized. He had to have been growing angrier and angrier with each person who spoke out against her, fueling his darkness. Regina guessed the vote hadn't been going her way and the Dark One took over, unleashing Robin's anger on the people of Storybrooke.

A few people lay on the floor and Regina gasped. Emma glanced down and then back at the mayor. "They're just unconscious, Regina, knocked out by the wave of dark magic Robin let out."

"Will they be okay?"

Emma shrugged. "We haven't been able to check them. But for now, be vigilant. Robin is very good at not being seen."

"Well, he's an expert thief. It comes with the territory." Regina glanced around, trying to spot her lover in the shadows. "Robin! It's me. Come out. Please?"

"Are you insane?" Albert appeared by her side, frowning. "We don't want that madman to do anymore damage, do we?"

Regina glared at him. "No, we don't. So let me talk to him."

"And do what? Encourage him to do more damage? Is this all your evil plot, Your Majesty?" He spat out the title.

Regina bit back her anger and clamped down on the urge to throttle the man. She did get closer to him, standing almost nose-to-nose. "This is no time for grandstanding, Albert. I am trying to help this town."

"Like hell you are!"

She heard the arrow's whistle as it flew through the air. Before she could react, Emma beat her to it. The sheriff tackled her to the ground as she felt the breeze from the arrow blow past her. A dull pain filled Regina's arm from its rough contact with the tiled floor but she still was able to push Emma off her. "You fool! Robin wouldn't hurt me," she yelled at Emma.

"I think the phrase you're looking for is 'thank you.'" Emma sat up. "So where did the arrow end up?"

Regina grabbed Emma's discarded and turned on the flashlight, aiming it toward the chairs. It illuminated Albert Spencer's pale face and lifeless eyes as he laid against some collapsed chairs. An arrow protruded from his chest, lodged in his heart.

"Shit," Emma replied as Regina shook her head. "Robin means business."

"Does anyone else dare challenge the Queen?" His voice was all growls now and Regina's heart felt like it was squeezing it as his words echoed around the silent hall.

Regina turned to find him standing on the dais, bow loaded with an arrow. His black eyes scanned the hall, waiting for the next fool to challenge him. She noticed that he no longer wore the dark t-shirt and black jeans he had put on earlier. Instead, he was back into something closer to his old Enchanted Forest clothing. A beige linen shirt was tucked under a black leather vest and paired with black leather pants. She guessed he was wearing black boots but they disappeared into the shadows. His black cloak hung around his shoulders, falling against his back.

She stood, approaching his perch with hands open. "Robin, please. You don't have to do this."

"None of these idiots appreciate you."

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