Chapter 59

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"I understand you." He said sympathetically. He does?

San then let go of me and spoke up again. "I absolutely know where you are coming from and I have had the same feelings before. I would never introduce anyone to my family. I didn't want my friends knowing how they would treat me. I was scared they would hurt me while my friends were around so I never brought them over. One day, Wooyoung was adamant that he is coming over to my house because he was concerned. My family welcomed him with open arms. I know your parents probably wouldn't from what you have told me which is why I understand that you are scared." I nodded, letting San carry on.

"Anyway, after Wooyoung left, was when I got hurt the worst. They beat me until I was unconscious. They would only ever do it where nobody could see so no one would ever know unless I told them. It made me scared to ever have anyone over again. I never told Wooyoung about this because I was scared he would think I was not good enough for him. I didn't want him to unfriend me because of it so I never told him. I did also vaguely forget about it over time so I never thought to bring it up. I only told him what I told the both of you last week. I think about it now though and I know he would never unfriend me because of something like that. He would have helped me just like he has helped you by letting you stay over. He is someone I could trust with my life."

I pulled San into a hug. I didn't know what to say. I have never been good with words in situations like this so I use other ways to show that I care and understand.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that on your own." I held him tighter.

"It's alright now y/n. I have you, Wooyoung and the others to help me. I haven't told the others yet but I can assume that they know something isn't right." San then said "I also think you should speak to Wooyoung about how you feel. I know it may be scary but I promise that he would never feel the way you think he would. Also, his family would never resent the fact that you all couldn't have huge family dinners together. They are too kindhearted for that. Although, I am sure that they would welcome your brothers with open arms if you wanted that."

"Thank you so much San. You really are an amazing friend and I don't know what I would do without you." I felt tears run down my face but this time, they were happy tears.

San let go of me. "Are you ready to talk to him now?" I nodded.

"Good because he is coming up to us right now." San beamed. I turned around and saw him about 10 metres away. I suddenly felt nervous again.

"See you later." San pulled me into one last hug and then went somewhere. I'm guessing to the other guys.

"Hey Woo!"

"Hey beautiful. Are you ok?" I nodded.

"I'm sorry about how I have been acting. I..." I started but Wooyoung suddenly cut me off.

"Baby, it is my fault that you have been ignoring me. I shouldn't have pressured you about the punishment." I then cut Wooyoung off.

"No! It wasn't that. That wasn't the reason I have been avoiding you." I mumbled.

"It isn't?" Wooyoung asked in relief but was also confused.

I shook my head and began explaining. Wooyoung let me speak until I had finished what I had to say.

"You really thought that my family and I would think like that?"

"I'm sorry Wooyoung. It isn't that I thought they would resent me or hate me but I just felt bad that we wouldn't be able to have family events and meals with both sides of our families and I know it is quite soon to think about these things but I am always thinking about the future and the what ifs. I guess I also envied what you had with your parents. I saw the way you all are when you are together and I knew that my family gatherings would never be like that.I need to learn to stop overthinking things and overreacting with things. I'm sorry that I acted the way I did." I looked down, not wanting to see how Wooyoung felt.

Wooyoung lifted my chin lightly, using his fingertips. I looked into his eyes reluctantly but all I could see was concern on his face.

"You are not overreacting y/n. It is ok to feel like that. It can be a little bit overwhelming when you are around something that you are not used to. I know that they will never be your blood relatives but I am certain that my parents will treat you like family. They will probably even see you as their daughter. They have always seen San as their son to be honest. My parents would also not be bothered about having gatherings. It would be nice to have meals together as a big family but even if your parents came over for dinner, my parents would probably never forgive them for what they have done to you. However, if there was a day where they change and decide to become better parents to you, my family would welcome them with open arms if that is what you would want. Sorry for blabbering on. I am bad with wording things when I have deep conversations." I pulled Wooyoung into a tight hug.

"You did great with wording things Woo. Don't worry! Thank you for being there for me and I'm sorry I didn't talk about how I felt sooner. This could have been avoided."

"Don't worry about it beautiful. Just know that you can come and talk to me about anything."

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