You don't really know me

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"Aaa" I lay back in chair " That was delicious. Nee~ Subaru-kun ?" He said nothing. "You know this remind me of old days. Me, my brothers Rin and Ichirou and our uncle took us to Mexico. We were so young. It seems like it was yesterday when we were running around, climbing trees, pulling pranks. Hehe. One time me and Rin-"

"Thanks" he mumbled.

"What ? I didn't hear you" Seriously I didn't understand what he said

"ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME !?" he stood up and slammed the table with his fist which made a crack.

"NO! I really couldn't hear what you said. What was it?"

"Tch. Nothing. Forget it" and he walked out.

"Dios mio" I putted  hand on my chest. I looked around the kitchen. It was a big mess. Like a few more seconds and flies starts getting around.

"I should clean it....Oooor" I took all dirty dishes, opened a window and threw them away. "They're rich, they won't miss a couple of plates (3 plates, 2 bowls, 4 small plates and pan) "If anyone ask I just say Kanato got mad and threw them out.

So I didn't had anything to do better then walk around mansion. I took it as a chance for getting know a little better my enemies territory, planning military style escape and run away strategies, looking for places where I can hide and then be found. 

To come to think of it vampires should act like that. No. In movies and TV show they're  presented as gentle and caring creatures. You know they always say things like: "Don't come close to me or you'll get hurt. I don't wanna bite you because I love you". But in real life: "I will help you by drinking your blood to the point where you almost die". 

"Wow. That's a big ass table." I walked in the dining room and sat down to table."Ooo. This chair is butt-friendly :3 "

 For a while I was just sitting there and looking at nothing.

"I'm so bored" I sighted while standing up. As I was continuing my excursion, thoughts ran through my head 'I thought that I will definitely find some activities in this mansion. But Noooooo Mr. When-I-fix-my-glasses-I'm-actually-flipping-everyone-off said to not make any noses in the house. I can't even go jogging. Like what's wrong with that. I need to be in a good shape. It's summer time. Maybe I should just drag him with me to do some work out because his legs are leaner then mine. Or maybe I should work out more' 

"Kaya"I instantly stopped. No breathing, no muscle movement just my eyes looking for someone or something who said my name. No one was around.


"Please come for a moment" for a moment I froze.

"Wh-Where are you? Who is this?" I spin around. I heard a sight

"Do I really need to tell you who am I ?"

"........Satan?" The door next to me opened and Reiji was standing with not so amused face. "Oh thank God it's you." 

"Of course it's me. How stupid can you be?"

"Hmm... Stupid enough not to know how to spell triscadecaphobia but smart enough to know what is 2+2" I smiled like an idiot. "It's 4. But sometime it can be 5. But usually it's 4"

"Be silent and come in . I wan't to talk to you" He walked to the side as a sign of invitation. In his room I saw a huge bookshelf filled with books. 'Surprise surprise. Wait is that ?'  On Reiji's work desk there were  potions, some tubes, plants, test tube rack, Bunsen burner. 'He's a fucking alchemist. Or a witch. BURN THE WITCH !!! Or maybe is it possible that he's.... Nooo. No no no no no. It can't be or can it. That would explain a lot to me' 

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