A Contact Named Kevin

761 50 29

Rating: Teen

Relationship: Ladynoir, Adrinette, MariChat

Tags: Identity reveal, scapegoat, don't think too logically about logistics, this would all be solved if Marinette called Adrien.

Artwork: By KaSi on Instagram


"Hey Marinette, are you free this weekend? I know it's short notice but we really need someone else on standby at the university's performance of 'Les Misérables'. Apparently the girl who was meant to do it has the flu and there's no other seamstresses available."

Marinette pouted at her classmate. She was due to be watching the 'Gabriel' showcase Saturday afternoon at fashion week. She'd already said she'd catch a lift with Zoé and promised Adrien she'd be there. So, no she couldn't, but she needed a good reason for it.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she signalled to her co-worker she just needed to make a quick call and it didn't take her long to find the number she needed in her phone. She dialled it, placed the phone to her ear and mouthed to her co-worker...'I'm just checking plans with Kevin'.

She tapped her foot impatiently waiting for the call to connect.

"Oh, wow! I didn't realise you two were still together, it's been a while now. Perhaps you could bring him—"

The click of the other side of the call caused her to exhale a sigh of relief. Phew, just missed out on them asking her more about her 'man'.


There it was, Kevin's silky smooth, non-quantum masked voice. As always her Kitty was her saviour.

"Kevin, hi. I just wanted to check if we had any plans for the weekend? I wasn't sure what the alpacas were doing?"

"Alpacas?" Her co-worker questioned, Marinette raising one finger to her lips, before pointing towards her phone as though she needed to listen intently. Squinting, Marinette nodded her head and pursed her lips.

'Oh a code: alpaca? It's been a while since we've had one of these. Put your co-worker on the phone.'

Marinette smiled and looked towards her fellow intern. "He wants to speak to you."

She watched the girl's eyebrows crease together as her hand stretched out to tentatively take the phone.

"H-Hello?" she queried as 'Kevin' began talking down the phone. The one skill he needed absolutely no support with.

Marinette could faintly hear his rambled words, and from the expression on her co-worker's face he was playing his part perfectly — she owed him. Her co-worker's face morphed between awe and disbelief, it looked as though Kevin was really laying it on thick.

Reel it back, Kitty Cat!

Marinette's co-worker nodded before a string of reinsurances came out their mouth and the phone was being handed back to Marinette.

"Kevin?" she questioned, repositioning her phone against her own ear.

'All sorted Lovebug, you're mine for the weekend, well me and the six alpacas we're visiting. I can't tell you exactly where though, it's a surprise for our fake two month anniversary.'

"You're amazing, do you know that?" she giggled.

Code for: Great job!

'Well, people have been known to comment time and time again.'

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