chapter twentieth

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A/N: The photos for the next 3 chapters will be apart of the collection. 🤭

Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

There are moments in life where everything can be total shit, and then somehow, someway, a shift in the universe can turn you upside down. Leaving you to wonder, how could I possibly have predicted that happening?

My conversation with Drew did not start with plans a, b or even c. In fact, I believe whatever the fuck that was, wasn't even on my list of plans that could've happened.

I was utterly baffed at all this shit and honestly? This will be the last time I attempt to talk to them about it. I am done.

Drew took one of the best days of my life and turned it into my worst nightmare. Not only did they cheat on my birthday, but we fucked her on the same day?

Somehow in my denials and excuses of Rylee cheating, I had convinced my self that it never happened on the same day. I remembered vividly how weird it was that she had showered before coming to see me.

She never made a point to do that without at least kissing me first. The look of remorse in her eyes that I had seen, the second floor, the back door? All of it was coming back to haunt me.

I took my second shot of tequila then finished the light amount of makeup I was attempting to put on. I was listening the smooth sound of Victoria Monet's 'Jaguar' while I tried my damndest to change my attitude.

The flowers did cheer me up for all of 3 seconds until I walked inside and remembered why my body was aching, which of course was because my douche bag of a brother told me I'd been cheated on twice.

It's so frustrating to be on the road to progress just for an obstacle to come and blow up the main path you took to be free.

All I had to do was make it through the next 48 hours without blowing up on everyone, and to ensure that, it would start by taking my meds to at least stay regulated and on top of my game.

Also because mom had told me that if she caught me off my meds again, she was going to move into my spare room and start her in-house motherly duties again.

It really wouldn't be that bad of a deal honestly, but my mom deserves her own life. I'm twenty-six for fucks sake. She was done parenting almost ten years ago.

I grabbed the pill bottle then took my last dose. I grabbed my phone and set a reminder to pickup my new prescription tomorrow morning before breakfast with the gang.

I checked the time again for the umpteenth time and sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram while I waited. Joliè was due to arrive any minute and I could feel the slightest hint of excitement fluttering in my chest.

Ever since I admitted to myself that I liked her, I started to notice things.

What things you might ask? Well for starters, every time I thought about her, I'd blush, a small thing to most, but a big deal for me. I don't usually get flustered at things, but she discombobulates me.

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