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Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip nervously, sitting on his messy bed that had a few books and pens all over it. In his trembling hands was his phone which had Jeongguk's number that he had texted himself from.

Should I ask him now? I haven't got a deal though. Should I ask to meet up? He seemed like he needed to do something yesterday maybe he's busy. Taehyung began to type just to untype. He hated being on edge all the time, and strangely that was what motivated him to send the message. He just wanted to get it over and done with so he could relax a little.

Hey, it's Taehyung can we meet up or something today?

Jeongguk glanced over at his phone that vibrated on his desk. He sighed and placed his controller down, picking it up with an annoyed expression which quickly turned into a grin.

I'm not coming if I have to meet up in some public place like a cafe cus I'm not tryna have a business meeting I have things to do

Oh well what about a park?

Are you gonna sell me drugs?

What about at uni?

Where everyone can hear and see how I'm supposed to be protecting you and then laugh at you even more?

Well where do you want to meet up

I don't
Just tell me over text what the deal is

Um well I couldn't really think of one I'm sorry but please please just help me you don't understand how hard it is trying to go to university but everybody just has something against me
I don't have money to transfer or get a bodyguard and reporting it would do nothing because I have no proof and we're grown adults they won't give detentions but get police involved which I just can't afford

Alright alright enough with the paragraphs
I'll help you if you go alone with my deal

Thank you so much
I'll do anything please just help me

We hook up whenever I want

Taehyung stared at the message with a parted jaw, screenshotting it out of the pure shock that had just hit his body. He didn't know what to say, he was desperate but he wasn't sure if he was that desperate. A part of him immediately began to say yes because he was actually that desperate for help, but then the more rational part said no.

But he's a good looking guy and it's about time I lose my virginity, I get that and also protection so this is actually really good for me. Taehyung thought carefully and sighed.

How do I know he's not just gonna use me and let them bully me anyway? He's a pretty fucked up guy. Taehyung sighed and looked down at his wrist that had bruised on it too. I should ask Hoseok.

I need advice

Hoseok 🫦
I already told you that I'll drive down and beat them up for you

No stop wait
I asked this jeongguk guy to help me with the bullying and he said he would as long as I hook up with him whenever I want

Hoseok 🫦
Who the fuck is jeongguk

Just this guy it's not important
Do I say yes
I want to say yes
But I don't know if I should say yes

Hoseok 🫦
Is he attractive

Yes very
Like the most attractive guy in uni
That's probably why everyone knows who he is
And why I don't get why he wants to hook up with someone like me

Hosoek 🫦
Someone like me 🤓
Taehyung you are so pretty and sexy at the same time which is rare please stop letting other peoples words get to you like that
I literally wish I wasn't your online friend so that I could pound you

I'm really scared for the day we meet

Hoseok 🫦
At least you'd have an irl friend
Hey that's another reason why you should say yes because at least you'll have someone in person that actually acknowledges you as a human and wants you

I'll go say yes now
Wanna FaceTime later?

Hosoek 🫦
Tell me more about the guy too

Jeongguk smirked when he saw the 'yes' he had been waiting for. He put the phone down and picked up his controller again to continue playing his game, but that was interrupted by his phone repeatedly buzzing. A loud groan left him before he reluctantly answered the call without looking at the contact.

"Hello?" He grumbled out.

"Can you not hear me knocking? We were supposed to meet like 20 minutes ago." Jimin's annoyed voice spoke on the other end.

Jeongguk cursed under his breath and dragged himself out of his messy bed. His floor wasn't any better, snack packets everywhere mixing with clothes and gaming discs. There was a random table in the middle of the room which was often used for not so innocent things.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Jeongguk pointed at the police officer beside Jimin who invited himself in. The other man gave Jeongguk an awkward smile which was not returned.

"He got me out of trouble again so we're gonna you know later on," Jimin kicked a few things down and sat down beside the table, "How's it going with your deal?"

"He agreed to it today, don't know how I'm supposed to protect him though," Jeongguk sat down too and suspiciously glanced at the officer, "I don't feel comfortable snorting coke with him here."

"Leave Namjoon alone, he's a nice guy." Jimin glared at the boy.

"No, more like a corrupt officer," Jeongguk tutted at the man who seemed rather offended and got ready to speak, "You're better silent don't talk."

"Why did you decide to help him? Do you like him?" Jimin asked as he pulled out a card and a note.

Jeongguk shook his head, "Thought he was pretty and he sounded nice when he groaned, this was just a perfect situation to get what I wanted."

"You're taking advantage of him and using him for sex?" Namjoon finally spoke in disbelief.

"Who the fuck asked you?" Jeongguk shot a glare, "But for your information, it's a deal we both have agreed on so I'm not using him and I will do my part of the deal so I'm not entirely a duck head that just wants sex."

"Okay." Namjoon shrugged.

"Wait didn't you do the same thing with me?" Jimin shot his head up from the table and stared at Namjoon who raised his hands.

"You weren't getting bullied and begging me to protect you, you were doing something illegal and flirting with me to get out of it! I'd be a dick head if you were being bullied and all I cared about was sex." Namjoon explained himself.

"Hey! I do care he's being bullied! That's why I'm going through with my part of the deal!" Jeongguk jumped into defend himself.

"But why? Do you like him? Please say you finally like someone." Jimin eagerly asked.

"No! I just miss having my dick sucked alright?! Now hurry up with the lines." Jeongguk spat bitterly which was enough to make the other hurry.

He took a deep breath in to calm down and stared at the table while deep in thought, rolling his tongue over his lip piercing as he did so.

I do miss having a boyfriend too though.

So do I 🤑 so hard writing this chap because my nail broke

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