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"You said he was cute, Jeongguk, you want him so bad and that's okay!" Jimin exclaimed while Jeongguk let out another groan while lighting up his cigarette.

"I told you min, I'm not interested in dating until I fix all this shit going on with my dad. I'm allowed to find people cute without having to date them, you know?" he responded rather annoyed and glared at the boy who wasn't keen on giving up on the idea, "Why are you so obsessed with me dating anyway?"

"Because it's just sad watching you lose every part of your life because you're too focused on getting revenge for your dad. It wont hurt to get a boyfriend that'll make you feel happy about something." 

"And if my boyfriend gets dragged into the mess because of my issues? also, if I date, I want it to be a long term relationship I don't have time to go dating around." Jeongguk puffed out the smoke and kicked a rock down the skate rink which would definitely lead to an injury later on.

Jimin scoffed, "But you can go around hooking up with people?"

"I'm not going around hooking up with people, it's just Taehyung." 

"Then you might as well date him if it's just him!

"No! I don't like him like that! I just want to hook up, and plus I have a deal with him which is the only reason I'm still talking to him." Jeongguk knew he sounded like a dickhead, but that was the truth. He couldn't bring himself to like someone if he didn't want to, which he wished Jimin would understand.

"Whatever, I know you, I know you'll end up liking him because he's exactly your type." The elder of the two rolled his eyes as he stood up on the edge of the rink with his old skateboard.

"You don't even know him."

"If I could figure out who Minyung was all by myself what makes you think I couldn't figure out who Taehyung was?" Jimin raised his eyebrows and stared down at the boy who began to frown, "The cute brunette who's in your class, is probably around 5'9 and has a nice voice? This was really hard to find by the way, the boys barely outside."

"You're unbelievable, you know people get arrested for stalking?" Jeongguk stared up at him disbelief.

"My man's a police officer, I'll be fine. Anyways, did you cuddle with him after or did you just go home and now you're here doing fuck all?" 

"I went home."

"Wait," Jimin paused before he was going to skate down the rink, "How are you supposed to protect him if you're not there?"

"He'll text or call me when he needs me." The brunette shrugged.

"But what if they suddenly start jumping him and he can't get to his phone?" Jimin asked before he finally made his way down the rink.

Shit, I didn't think of that. Jeongguk held the cigarette between his teeth and began to type away on his phone. He groaned when the smoke began to get in his eye causing the message to have many typos.

"Fuck!" Jimin screeched as he fell onto the rough ground, "What fucking idiot put a rock here?!"

jeongguk: hry are u oky? is anyon e ther?

"Oh my God, he just texted me," Taehyung gasped as he sat at his desk with Hoseoks face in the corner of his screen, "What the- why does he type like that?"

"Don't reply to him, what dickhead just disappears after taking someone's virginity? Death to them all," Hoseok scoffed, "What he say?"

"He asked if I'm okay and if anyone's here, but with a lot of typos," Taehyung couldn't help but smile at his phone, "I know he's just doing his part of the deal but that's made my heart feel a little funny."

"Ew, no, I don't support this. Go like someone else."

"You know I suck at talking to people, he's basically the only person I know," Taehyung dreamily sighed and began to type back a response anyway, "I wish I wasn't so socially awkward, I want to ask him if I was good for my first time, to do it again and to different things. The second he's here though I freeze up and forget how to act."

"Get therapy.

"Shut up," Taehyung rolled his eyes and put his phone against some books in front of him, "I really want him to come over, what do I do?"

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