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Jeongguk gripped onto his backpack straps, one finger tapping to the beat of his song that was blasting through his earphones. He kept a blank stare straight ahead. He didn't need to look around to make sure he wouldn't trip or bump into people as most immediately turned away and tried their best not to bump into him.

Especially after one of his most infamous moments.

Where 3 months ago a guy pushed past him, and then returned the next morning with a broken collarbone and arm that never allowed him to push past again. And a singular red signature on his cast which Jeongguk had gifted him.

A smirk lifted on Jeongguk's face at that memory, but it quickly fell when he saw his personal tutor standing at the end of the corridor with her arms crossed.

"My office, now." She pointed at a tall brown door with her name printed onto it.

Jeongguk yanked out his earphones and sighed, dragging his feet in, "What? I came in like you begged me to."

"Because you have exams in a few months, but I haven't heard a single thing about your assignment progress or preparations because you're too busy terrorising students." The woman glared at him.

"Then kick me out?" Jeongguk leaned against the chair in front of her desk and pulled up the hood of his grey hoodie. His smirk began to return when the woman was unable to answer him, "That's right, it's out of university and you have no proof it's me."

"You're 18 Jeongguk. Why on earth are you acting so immature?"

Jeongguk just shrugged and yanked the strings on his hood causing it to scrunch up on his face.

"We can't even put you into a troubled kids program or get your parents involved because you're an adult now. What on earth are you getting up to outside of university that everytime I see you, you have a busted lip!"

"Jeez woman, why are you yelling 9 o'clock in the morning." Jeongguk winced at her sharp tone and he picked up his backpack, "Nice chat, good day."

"Jeongguk. We're not done talk-" The woman stood up as the boy neared the door, "Jeongguk! Don't you dare leave-"

Jeongguk slammed the door shut behind him and cracked his neck. He stood in the empty hallway and debated whether he should skip his lessons or show up for the first time in weeks. Both would be entertaining for him; he could sleep or he could annoy the lecturers until they'd break.

Nah, too much effort I think I'll-

"Hi!" A figure suddenly jumped in front of him causing him to flinch in surprise.

"What the fuck?" Jeongguk gripped onto his backpack tightly and stared down at the stranger with a disgusted face. Mainly because the black eye the boy had tried to cover up with makeup just looked so horrific.

"I know you don't know me but-"

"Exactly, let's keep it that way." He pushed past and rolled his eyes when he could hear footsteps following behind him and hands grabbing his arm.

"Please hear me out." The boy pleaded stopping in front of Jeongguk who remained silent.

Oh shit, he's the guy from last night? Jeongguk saw past all the bruises and remembered the ID he had picked up which he had forgotten to return.

"I'm being bullied-"

Jeongguk snickered.

Taehyung frowned at that, "What?"

"Getting bullied in uni is crazy."

"Okay anyways, I'm being bullied and I really really really need someone to just protect me because I can't even walk alone for a second before getting beat up outside." Taehyung explained in one breath and pursed his lips together, hesitating on asking what he wanted to ask since Jeongguk looked so terrifying.

The way he was stood tall, head tilted to the side in both annoyance and curiosity. Then the way his pierced eyebrow was cocked upwards as a sign to continue, but the sharp look in his ebony eyes and exhale out of his busted lips made Taehyung scared to speak.

"So?" Jeongguk shifted his weight onto a different foot impatiently. Probably gonna ask me to do a favour.

"I was wondering if maybe you-"

"No." Jeongguk scoffed. He did not see why he'd help someone like Taehyung.

A pretty boy who had big doe eyes pleading him, still looking captivating even with the bruise surrounding one of them. A pretty boy whose naturally plump lips stuck out in desperation, quivering as memories of being beaten up began to flood his mind and weaken his knees. He was ready to drop on his knees and just beg.

Yeah he'd look real good on his knees. Jeongguk swallowed dryly and mentally shook away his thoughts. Stop being a creep, you have better things to do.

"There's so many students in this university so it's impossible to be popular- but every single person knows you as the crazy guy in first year who's definitely in a gang. If you help me it would mean so much to me and make such a difference because everyone's terrified of you!"

"What do I get in return?" Jeongguk pulled out his phone and checked the time, cursing when he saw the message.

Where the fuck are you my g
I'm at the spot and I can see them gathering to shoot crack
I can't do this on my own hurry up

Taehyung panicked not knowing what to give in return, "I-"

"Give me your number, we'll talk about this tomorrow. You better have a deal ready." Jeongguk shoved his phone against the boys chest and rushed him to type it in.

Taehyung quickly did with shaking hands and opened his mouth to speak, but Jeongguk was quick to run past.

What the actual fuck does he do to come in with a busted lip everytime? Is he getting bullied too? I asked for help based on rumours I'm so fucking stupid. He let his shoulders drop, head hanging low soon after too.

Fuck fuck fuck, I'm about to lose so much coke because of that fucker. Jeongguk ran as fast he could, backpack hanging on barely by shoulders which is what he was least worried about.

He ran past some closed down car cleaning place which lead him to some sketchy abandoned place that was once a playground. It was pretty rusty and just a place for people to dump rubbish, there was a skatepark right beside it which was barely in use too since nobody wanted to go near a crackhead meet up.

"Holy shit, I was about to leave." Jimin sighed in relief when Jeongguk finally appeared behind a large skate wall.

"Have they already started?" He cursed and let his backpack drop onto the floor, "We aren't gonna be able to fight them now, they're too hyper and shit."

"I know, what the fuck were you doing that took you so long?" Jimin tutted in annoyance and leaned against the wall while Jeongguk stood their visibly pissed.

"This guy Taehyung was asking me to help him because he's getting bullied." He scoffed watching the group shoot drugs into their system shamelessly.

Jimin was rather surprised, "I thought you were some weird edgelord that nobody ever approached, what gave him the confidence?"

"I don't know? I would've joined them and beat the shit out of him too for wasting my time, but he's lucky he's cute so I'm letting it slide." Jeongguk shook his head and squinted his eyes, "Do you think they'll wait a bit while it wears off?"

Jimin stuck his head out from behind the wall, "Nah, they're definitely gonna keep shooting without letting it wear off."

"Fuck," Jeongguk groaned.

"So? You gonna help him?"

"No? Why the fuck would I help a nobody? I've got better things to be spending my time on. Unless he gives me a good deal actually." Jeongguk picked up his backpack deciding to just drop the plan.

"What? Like hooking up with you?" Jimin followed after him with his hands in his pockets, "I did something similar once, this police officer caught me stealing but I was one phone call home away from being shipped off to Korea- so I hooked up with him as a deal to keep his mouth shut."

Jeongguk hummed rather impressed by the boy's suggestion.

"That's actually a decent deal."

I'd say yes not because "I'd say if jk asked" but because I'm so bored

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