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hi guys idk if u saw my announcement but i had surgery on my arm so i will be writing on my laptop until it heals. this means i cba to keep pressing shift for caps and the paragraphs might look a little longer xx


taehyung pressed his plump lips against the wine bottle, leaning against the couch sadly as he took big sips of the bitter yet sweet taste of liquid. wine was always his least favourite drink, but with a life so miserable he didn't have the energy anymore to care about what he enjoyed and what he didn't.

i don't deserve anything good anyway. he hiccupped due to crying which many thought would be from being drunk. 

his thoughts were cut short when knocking came from the front door causing the puppy at his feet to jump and bark in excitement. with a confused expression he pushed himself and stumbled slightly towards the door. before opening it he adjusted himself.

he wasn't sure why he was pulling down his silk top down to his thighs to cover his boxers when he was sure the people behind the door were no good. the only other person that would be there is jeongguk, but after sending his message he decided to just never look at his phone again.

with a big sigh and after pushing yeontan protectively behind him, he opened the door. to his surprise, it really was just jeongguk.

the elder stood at the door tall and worried inviting himself in. his sharp eyes scanned the room to see if anybody else had come in to hurt taehyung, but when there was no signs he relaxed a little.

"so? you gonna tell me why you sent that paragraph?" jeongguk crossed his arms staring down at taehyung whose eyes immediately began to dwell with tears.

"i'm sorry, i don't want to continue the deal anymore. i know it won't make a difference and i don't deserve that kind of help. i must clearly be doing something wrong for people to treat me horribly so i'll just take it." taehyung managed to get all his words out without breaking down into sobs. he already knew how pathetic he looked with wine in his hands and saying those words.

jeongguk sighed and dragged him by his wrist to the couch where they sat down with just two inches between them, "look taehyung, i don't know you well enough to understand what's going on or who you really are. but, for the short amount of time we've seen each other i can see you're a genuine and sweet person. if knowing you just for a week shows me this then how can people who see you everyday not get it?"

jeongguk had no idea how he managed to come up with those words, but he meant it. he could see it meant something to taehyung too when he saw the boys face soften ever so slightly.

"you're just saying this because you want to keep having sex with me, but it means a lot."

"no, no i'm not. i'm not the type of person to waste my time being genuine just for a blowjob or some shit. i only say things i mean," jeongguk sternly spoke tightening his grip on taehyung's wrist.

taehyung stared down at his hands and chewed on the inside of his cheeks, clearly not buying it, "okay."

jeongguk was silent for a bit as he took in his expression and hesitated on his next words, "look, i don't know what else you're thinking that's making you feel like this, but i do care. i know people in university say shit about me being the biggest dickhead to walk, but i do care about people that i think deserve to  be cared. and that's including you."

"then...why were you with minyung that day? when you asked me about their schedule? you do know he's part of the group that torments me?" taehyung honey voice wavered, tears forming at his waterline again which he quickly blinked away.

jeongguk went silent. he understood why that could be misunderstood as something else, but he wasn't exactly keen on revealing everything to taehyung. he couldn't just say his dad was arrested after being framed for dealing cocaine and now it was his lifes mission to ruin minyung's fathers life. it could all ruin it.

of course taehyung would never tell minyung himself, but he could tell anybody else who could spread it.

"i can't tell you why, not today at least, but i'm not his friend and i never will be," jeongguk softly answered him and let the other talk next.

however, the younger was just silent from then on and staring down. jeongguk wondered what he was thinking that was causing his pretty face to scrunch up in such an adorable yet pained way.

"do you still want the deal to break?" jeongguk spoke after sometime and hummed when taehyung shook his head, "you should go to sleep now, we have university tomorrow."

"okay." taehyung placed his wine bottle down too lazy to go all the way to the kitchen.

"i'll sleep on the couch and if those fuckers try anything tonight i'll set them straight," jeongguk smiled at the boy who nodded slowly.

"i'll get you a blanket and pillow then," taehyung began to make his way to the stairs which he had to carefully walk up. i wonder why he's not sleeping with me.

unfortunately, taehyung wouldn't know that jeongguk refused to share a bed with anyone he found cute as he was scared to end up falling in love.

he wasn't scared of commitment or the idea of it, but rather how it would all ruin his mission and cause more trouble than happiness. or at least that's what it seemed like to him.

jeongguk already knew if he started waking up to taehyung pretty face next to him it wouldn't go well, so he tried his best to stop that from happening.

"thank you, make sure to drink a lot of water so you aren't too hungover tomorrow," jeongguk took the blanket and pillow from taehyung who nodded in response.

"night." he sweetly smiled at the boy who felt his heart stop at the sight.

but, god do i miss having someone talk to me like that.

"goodnight." jeongguk said painfully bluntly and watched taehyung leave to go upstairs. 

jeongguk just sighed and decided to sleep before he began to think too much about taehyung. instead he thought about how he had a plan he needed to carry out which kept him distracted enough.

i hope that fucker burns in jail when i win.

stupid arm hurts 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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