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Jeongguk quietly walked behind a pair of strangers, smoking like usual and kept his cold eyes set upon a certain boy. He chucked his cigarette down as he began to enter the university doors while blending in with the crowd around him.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when the boy just kept walking around, passing all the lecture halls and classrooms until they were at the back of the university. At that point, Jeongguk didn't bother hiding anymore as he knew that the echo of his footsteps gave away his presence.

The two of them stepped out of the back gate and arrived in an empty parking lot which is when the boy stopped walking.

"What do you want?" Minyung asked once he turned around to face Jeongguk.

"Your dad."

"Bit too old for you." He snickered at his own response, quieting down when Jeongguk didn't react, "Look, I know what my dad did was fucked up but there's nothing I can do about it and it isn't of my business. Stop following me around."

"Because of your dad my entire life has been ruined. What makes you think I'm gonna let him live some happy life with his family when he took away mine?" Jeongguk spoke with a scowl on his face.

"So what? What's your plan? You gonna murder me or some shit?" Minyung scoffed and stepped closer to the boy.

"I noticed the unmatched foundation you use to cover up those bruises and lie by saying you're just exploring your sexuality," When he noticed a flicker in his expression, he smirked.

"They're from fights."

"No one covers up bruises from a fight in front of their friends unless they're fucking weird," Jeongguk spat at the latter and also stepped closer, "You know that your dad's a piece of shit, why are you just letting him get away with it? You have the power to get that man arrested."

"Get the fuck away from me, it's not my problem." Minyung roughly shoved the other only to be grabbed roughly and punched across his face.

"Your dad is the reason why I have no one I love in my life anymore, I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure he gets the same life."

"You have Jimin and that fucking weirdo Taehyung, who by the way you should be more worried about following because Hyungjin isn't happy about what you did to his little brother." Minyung began to smirk as he watched Jeongguk's expression fall into a dark one.

Shit, I completely forgot I was supposed to be protecting him.

"Yeon...how about I call you Yeontan? Or just Tan, it's probably really confusing hearing two different names all the time," Taehyung spoke with a shaky voice, running his bruised hands through the dogs fur. He attempted to distract himself by focusing on the puppy, but the bruises were making themselves known.

He bit down on his lip as he rolled his aching shoulder regretting it immediately when the pain travelled through the rest of his body. A helpless sigh left him and he cluelessly stared down at his hands.

How am I gonna make this stop? How can I prove to the police it's them- do I have to get cameras? But what if it turns into a lawsuit? I don't have money- God, why is this so complicated why can't they just-

Taehyung's thoughts were put to a stop when he heard his door ringing. His heart began to pound as he began to make his way downstairs. He didn't know who else would be at the door, he didn't expect it to be Jeongguk at all.

God, I knew he wouldn't do his part of the deal- well I can't blame him how is he supposed to know? Taehyung's fingers lingered on the door handle for a big. His sharp eyes dropped down to dog that was wagging his tail beside his leg and barking at the door.

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