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Jeongguk took a drag out of his cigarette, strolling down a street with music blasting in his ears and one hand in his jean pocket. He dark eyes stared ahead confidently, sometimes lingering on dogs or cars he thought would be nice to steal.

That's a cute dog. Jeongguk raised his eyebrows and chucked the cigarette onto the floor, shifting his destination to the tiny puppy that was left outside a shop and tied to a post. He pulled up his hood and walked close to the dogs leash, subtly pulling on it so that it would slip off the post.

The dog just innocently began to walk beside him and was shortly picked up by the boy.

"Hey! Give him back!" A voice shrieked behind him making Jeongguk immediately begin to bolt, head ducked down incase his hood fell down and shoulders shoving people out of his way.

His dirty shoes lead him to a shortcut towards his university which he knew had no cameras and didn't for quite a long distance. So, he placed the dog down on the damp floor and began to strip off his detectable hoodie.

"I'm gonna need to hide you and your leash," Jeongguk knelt down to the dogs levels, running his bruised hands against the soft brown fur of it, "You remind me of someone." He mumbled.

The puppy just stared up at him with doe black eyes, tongue stuck out and head tilted due to Jeongguk constantly mumbling under his breath and stroking his fur.

"Taehyung. You remind me of that guy." The brunette gasped in realisation, smiling when he saw the dogs ears perk up at that, "You like that name? Do you want it?"

Jeongguk grinned and took out his phone, taking a bunch of pictures which he was going out everywhere and show everyone he knew.

Just got a dog

jiminJeongguk whose fucking dog is that

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Jeongguk whose fucking dog is that

Just got it

That's not your fucking dog oh my god
Whose dog did you just take
Return that poor thing you dumb fuck

no it's mine

It's not yours
You don't even know it's name or how old it is
You don't even know if it's got all its shots
You need to register it with a vet as well that's gonna get u caught
What if it dies

It won't

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and clicked on the next contact, but he then remembered he didn't exactly have any other friends to show off his new pet to. So, the next number he had clicked on was Taehyung's who had already sent him a few messages early in the morning.

are u in uni ??
I'm really scared to go in
Can you please walk with me
oh I guess you aren't in
can you at least walk home with me please

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