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Jeongguk chewed on his gum annoyed, staring at the man ahead of him who fumbled through the cash machine. He shifted his weight onto one leg, tutting quietly when the man still hadn't pulled out his cash.

"So what are you fixing?" He asked as he handed a hammer and some cash over.

"None of your business." Jeongguk muttered as he took the cash and counted it. Once he was sure it was the right amount, he turned on his heel and began to walk away with the hammer in his backpack.

Who was the guy who robbed you last month

Which one

The one who stole your cat and coke and stabbed u

That sounds so bad when u write it down

It is??

It was some guy called Miles
What kind of name is that

"What is your name? I don't know what to call you." Taehyung murmured as he crouched down onto the floor watching the puppy drink from one of his bowls, "I don't have any dog food either. Are you hungry?"

The dog just stared at him and walked away to explore the house, sniffing random corners and then being chased away when he crouched down. He eventually made his way back over to Taehyung who was still in the kitchen trying to figure out what to give the dog.

"Oh, dogs have peanut butter as a treat. Do you want a little bit?" Taehyung picked up the jar and stuck his finger in, taking a small amount to feed the dog.

He giggled quietly as the puppy excitedly jumped up onto his leg. He slowly knelt down and let it lick his fingers, he took that as an opportunity to pet his soft fur too.

"What did Jeongguk name you?" Taehyung whispered, raising his eyebrows when the dogs ears perked up, "Oh you like that name? Did he name you after himself?" Once he was done, he washed his hands and walked away from the dog.

Let's see if your name really is Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung called out, but the dogs ears just perked up again and he stared at him with a tilted head, "Well it's not your name then I think...should I call you Jeon while we wait?"

The dog walked up to him and began to jump onto his leg again which prompted Taehyung to pick him up.

"How about Yeon? It's just Jeon but with a different letter." Taehyung decided.

Unfortunately, their alone time was cut short when there was knocking at his door. He hastily walked over but stopped just as he was about to open it. The soft smile on his face began to drop into a nervous expression and he stared at the door.

Are we gonna hook up now? I haven't even shaved or showered today. Taehyung eventually opened the door ready to mutter an excuse, but instead a horrified gasp left him.

"Thanks for taking care of him," Jeongguk invited himself in and took the dog from the frightened boy, "Mind if I use your bathroom to clean up?"

Taehyung just hummed, staring at Jeongguk who had blood on his hoodie and some splattered on his face. What the fuck?

"Can you feed him? I got the food and shit in my backpack, I really need to get this blood off." Jeongguk put the puppy down and glanced down at his chest which had the most amount of blood.

"Uh sure." Taehyung managed to shut the door after zoning out for a couple of minutes. Did I make a deal with a murderer?

"Where's your bathroom?"

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