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Taehyung slowly stirred awake, rolling around on his bed before jumping awake when his hand touched something foreign. It was like paper which he grabbed as he slowly began to sit up.

The first thing he noticed was that he was all alone in his bedroom, which meant that Jeongguk hadn't stayed the night and left. Then he began to read the note with a tired expression.

'If you hear anyone outside, just come downstairs and I'll sort it out.'

Taehyung's head perked up when he heard the familiar barking downstairs. Shit, he's still here?!

Well, he was glad he wasn't alone for once but he was conscious of how he looked like a hot mess when he woke up. Normally he'd just brush his teeth and go downstairs, but now he felt like he had to look good for Jeongguk.

He jumped out of bed, the shirt he was wearing basically falling off his slim body and caught in his boxers. He grabbed his phone as he ran into his bathroom and quickly locked it.


What happened now

Jeongguk's still at my house what do I do how do I look good for him how do I act in the morning

Oh my god ur so annoying
Just suck him off and send him on his way


Okay just wear something revealing and then act all sweet and cook him something and then give him a little kiss or hug as a thank you which will turn into something more and then he'll leave

OkY got it
What do I make him

Im not the one fucking him figure it out urself

What do I wear


Taehyung groaned and put his phone away, he decided to hurry up with his morning routine so that he could decide what to wear. Unfortunately, he couldn't go that fast as he kept staring at himself in the mirror to point out whatever he thought needed correcting.

I need to sort out whatever the patchiness here is, and gain some damn weight I look like I haven't been outside in years. Taehyung thought to himself, well technically it's true. I'm always inside.

What's taking him so long to wake up? Are we not going uni? I want to see if those fuckers have the courage to show up. Jeongguk leaned against the kitchen counter where he had helped himself to some cereal. His head perked up when his phone buzzed beside him which he grabbed quickly.

I got more info on the guys who got ur dad in jail
Meet up at mine

Jeongguk clutched his phone tightly and slowly placed it down. His mind began to wander off to some memories that he tried his best to forget about, however they were what controlled him.

Thankfully, the sound of someone making their way down the stairs snapped him back into reality. He turned around quickly, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw one of the prettiest people he ever saw walking towards him.

Taehyung kept his gaze down, fiddling with his top that was slightly loose on him and fell down above his tight black jeans. He could feel Jeongguk staring which made his ears burn.

"Should we go now?" Taehyung decided to finally look up at the other who had a hard gaze on him, "Lecture starts soon-"

"I need to go somewhere else, it's important." Jeongguk monotonously replied, staring at Taehyung who's expression began to fall into a panic.

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