[3] The Surge

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The next morning, it was safe to say that all five of us Pogues were severely hungover. After the actual party ended, we kept drinking to ensure there would be no leftovers, just in case DCS decided to pay John B a surprise visit.

As I began to wake up, I felt like my head was going to explode. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had spent the night sleeping in the bathtub wearing nothing but a bra and shorts.

My body ached as I stood up, but I immediately crumbled back down when the urge to throw up hit me.

"Mornin' Sunshine," JJ groaned, peeking his head into the bathroom. "How was the bathtub?"

I was too busy hovering over the toilet to answer him.

With silent understanding, JJ moved closer and took his place on the edge of the bathtub, his hands reaching out to gather my unruly hair. His expression twisted in mild disgust at the unpleasant symphony emanating from the depths of my stomach, but he soldiered on, offering silent support.

"I think I might be ten pounds lighter now," I managed to mumble weakly as I flushed the toilet, collapsing back against the cool tile of the bathroom wall.

JJ chuckled softly, his gaze meeting mine with a mixture of amusement and concern. "Well, now that you've purged your demons, it might be a good idea to head home and get some fresh clothes," he suggested, his tone laced with genuine concern. "And a toothbrush wouldn't be such a bad idea."

I whacked his arm as I stood up but stopped in the doorway when I realized it was only just around sunrise. "What time is it?"

JJ shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "I dropped my watch in the bonfire by accident."

"Of course you fucking did," I groaned. "Wait."

He looked at me, puzzled.

"Did Chase Adams try to drug me, or was that part of my dream?"

When JJ's posture straightened up, I knew it wasn't just a dream. "He slipped a roofie into your drink when you weren't looking," he confirmed. "Thank god you were able to notice."

A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I processed the gravity of his words. "I'm an alcoholic, J," I quipped, a bitter laugh escaping me despite the gravity of the situation. "I know when something's off with my drink."

JJ offered me a sympathetic glance before shooing me away with a gentle push. "Oh my god, just go," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and relief.

As I stumbled out of the bathroom, JJ's voice trailed after me, filled with genuine concern. "And be careful out there, Ron. We're not out of the woods yet."

"What the hell does that even mean?" I asked him, stopping to think for a moment, "don't answer that, it's too early for Pope talk.


When I got home and changed into fresh clothes, I decided to stay in and take the day to rest. The heavy clouds outside hinted at the impending storm, and I knew it was better to hunker down than risk getting caught in the downpour. Besides, with the looming hurricane, I figured I'd be up all night either way.

Around 7:45, the sky had darkened considerably, but I found myself back in my car, driving to the beach. My parents had warned me not to go out in this storm since they'd be staying with my grandmother to help her, but I couldn't resist the allure of the crashing waves. I couldn't miss the opportunity to surf the surge, to feel the power of nature firsthand. Plus, I wouldn't be alone; I was meeting John B and Pope there.

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