[22] Blame

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It was about three minutes after JJ and Pope had left to go pee, and they still weren't back. Look, I don't know much about boys and their bathroom business, but it definitely doesn't take three minutes to piss.

I was getting worried for them, knowing just what could happen. Or more importantly, who could happen.

"Where are you going, Ron?" Kiara asked as I began to stand up.

"I'm gonna get another soda, I'll be back."

She knew I lied, but causing a scene during the movie was something that everyone around us would notice.

"Ron thats not-" Kiara whispered, watching me go towards the screen where JJ and Pope had gone.

when I got there, JJ and Pope were surrounded by Rafe, Kelce, and Topper.

"Aw, the boyfriends are all here," I laughed, gesturing toward the three Kooks.

Rafe smirked, letting out a laugh as he turned around to face me, "Veronica Newton to the rescue."

"Ron go back by Kie, we've got this," JJ said to me, although his eyes didn't leave Rafe once.

I knew JJ was only trying to protect me, but he seriously underestimates my strength. I could take these three out with my eyes closed if I really wanted to. But, I'm sure he's just worried because of how it ended last time.

"you su-"

"Yeah Ron, go back to Kie," Rafe imitated JJ.

"What the fuck did you just say?" JJ asked Rafe, shoving his shoulders.

As tensions escalated, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My gaze darted between JJ and Rafe, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew I needed to diffuse the situation before things spiraled out of control.

"Hey, hey, let's all just calm down," I interjected, stepping between JJ and Rafe. My voice was firm, but there was an underlying urgency. "We're all here to enjoy the movie, right? Let's not ruin it with unnecessary drama."

Rafe sneered at me, his eyes glinting with malice. "And what would you know about drama, Veronica? You seem to attract it wherever you go."

I clenched my jaw, refusing to let his words get to me. "Enough, Rafe. We're not doing this here."

But Rafe wasn't backing down. He took a step closer, his presence looming over me. "You think you're tough, huh? Think you can handle yourself against us?"

"Rafe, back off," JJ warned, his voice low and dangerous.

Ignoring JJ's warning, Rafe continued to taunt me, his words laced with venom. "You're just a Pogue, Ronnie. You don't belong here with us," he practically threatened me, "and your friend here is about to get his ass beat so if you don't move the fuck out of my way, I'll move you myself."

I stood my ground, although the looks I was getting from JJ and Pope begged me to back down.

"I'd like to see you try."

Rafe took a step closer to me, causing JJ to pull me back towards him.

"Take one more step, I'll rip that prepubescent face off," JJ threatened.

Topper let out a sigh, looking over to Pope. "hey, Pope, do you feel good about yourself?" he asked with a sly smirk, "stealing and wrecking shit? Is your mom proud of you? is your dad?"

A smirk grew on my face as Pope head-butted Topper, causing him to stumble over.

"Atta-boy!" JJ cheered, "with your fist, like this, okay?"

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